Mimikyu x Fem Pikachu Reader (Fluff)

Start from the beginning

The two of you sat down near a lake and watch silently. Sometimes you two chat each other, and sometimes you throw rocks at the lake to see if it could bounce long until it sink. Then finally Mimikyu decided to ask you about the day you save him. "(Y/N)?" He said nervously, you turn your head to look at him and said. "Yeah?" Mimikyu took a deep breath and said. "Why are you being... so nice to me?" "Of course i'm being nice to you, you're my friend! Why'd you ask?"

Mimikyu look down sadly and said. "Well, it just that... not many people or pokemon likes or being nice to me. They always bullied me because i don't belong here, they think that i'm just a pathetic rip-off of Pikachu who doesn't deserve to be exist, and... and..." tears started to flood from his eyes and he couldn't find a word to say next, until he felt a tight embrace. He look up to see you hugging him, almost like you wanted to tear up after he share his story to you.

"Don't you dare say that again ok!? Because i always love you as a friend and i promise myself i will always be there for you no matter what! Don't listen to those bullies cause i think they're just jealous that someone like you are better than them, like i mean it!" Mimikyu was shock to your word. You really did care about him, and all honesty you didn't sound like you're lying to him. Maybe not all people are bad, some of them are good like you. Mimikyu hug you back and cried, not just some sadness but joy for having someone who never leave him behind.

The next day you visit him again to see if he was alright, and if anything goes wrong you will always tried your best to cheer him up.

Until something happen in the other day.

You went to a forest to visit your friend again, but then you suddenly heard a familiar scream. Immediately you run as fast as you could to the direction of where his screams came from. Then you saw him. But he was not alone.

Mimikyu was sourrounded by ghastly and a one haunter who appeared to be the leader is hurting him, and Mimikyu is so powerless that he broke down to tears and tried to protect himself from all the beating. Quickly you rush towards them to try to stop them like you did to the two bullies. "Hey! Leave him alone you bullies!" "Oh look boys! A bitch who is trying to protect this little shit!" Angered boiled inside of you and you hesitate to use your thunderbolt on them but this time Haunter use protect, 'dammit!' You curse yourself.

"Get her boys!" He command, soon several Ghastly summon their shadow balls and blast it at you. You dodge them, but you weren't lucky. "Gahhh!" One of the shadow ball hit your body and you fall down in the ground moaning in pain. "(Y/N)!" "Shut it you little shit!" Mimikyu scream as another night shade hurt him. "M-mimikyu..." you tried to stand up but fallen down, still in pain. "Hah! Looks like your girl is fallen down, you're both worthless haha!" Haunter and his gang laugh for what they have done.

Mimikyu was shaking. Hurt, suffering, it always happen to him. They him, and they hurt you. His only friend he ever matter to him. A friend who never leave him or betray him. A friend who never see or think about him as a joke. A friend who always be there for him when he had a troubled life. Mimikyu couldn't take it anymore.

Then he snap.

"Wha- ahhh!!" Haunter scream in pain when he felt a claw slash through his face, the other notice this but they were too slow to dodge from his Shadow Claw and Faint Attack. "Ahhhh!!!" They scream and soon they ran away, leaving their leader behind. Mimikyu walk up to him and said. "If i see you or your goons again i'll make sure your life will end here!" Haunter was shock that a Mimikyu like him threatens him like it was nothing! But he whimpered and ran away to follow the others, not wanting to get hurt again.

Mimikyu snap out of himself and realise what he had done. He hurt them, he really hurt them. He look at his hands and thought to himself, 'why did i... hurt them?' Seeing them getting hurt makes him happy but in the same time it felt so... wrong.

Mimikyu then remember his friend! He spun around and run to your unconscious form. "(Y/N) are you ok!?" "Hu-... what?" You tried getting up but only this time Mimikyu help you up. "Y-yeah, i guess so but, what happen? Wheres th-" "they're gone," "what?" You look at him confuse. "I... well, i don't know what to say about this but, i, uhhh, scared them away i guess." You tilted your head. "Wait really?" "Yeah i guess so heheh." Mimikyu gave you a sheepish smile (even tho he was woring his custom), you giggled and said. "Never seen a shy Mimikyu would be so tough and all." Mimikyu turn away while he blush.

To be honest, his cute when he blush. But then you remember something. "Hey ummm, i think i need to go home and talk my mom about this cause i felt like i was beeing stung by a Beedrill, like a lot," "oh yeah i forgot about that! So ummmm... wheres your house?" "Just go straight and turn left, then you'll find a sign said '(L/N)' (your last name) in a tree, thats where i live (yes you live in a house which is a tree)." Soon Mimikyu help you out to get home to get healed up. "(Y/N)?" "Yeah?" You said looking at him. "Thanks for being a true friend." You smiled and said. "That's what friends are for bud."

(Oh my god it took me 4 days to write this chapter, but enough with that i hope you like it!)

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