Surprises Everywhere

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"You're a jerk you know that?" I asked looking at him annoyed. He laughed.

"Maybe so but at least I am not mentally challenged like you are."

"What do you want Pan?" I asked. He paused and looked at me for a moment. I looked at him confused.

"What?" I asked. He shook his head and continued.

"I'm here to take you back. You caused a lot of boys to get hurt down there Lottie." I stood up off the tree and felt my heart beat a few beats faster than before.

"W-well then I am guessing you have some lost boys waiting for your signal to knock me out now don't you?" I asked him helplessly. To my surprise he shook his head.

"No, why would I? It is not that hard to take down a not so stable girl." Without another word I quickly took out my knife and pointed it at him.

"Leave me alone Pan." I hissed. He looked at me like I was a silly.

"Sorry but no." He replied simply. Then he disappeared. I turned around but he was not there.

"Oh Lottie.." I heard him say from behind me. I spun around and saw him on a tree branch in front of me. I turned around and ran. I heard the rush of wind behind me and then his voice.

"Are you really going to start running from me now?" He asked slightly amused from somewhere around me.

I stopped running and looked around me. He was not there.

"You don't scare me Peter! So stop hiding." I yelled.

There was a silence but then an idea came to my mind.

Act like him. He is playing a game. Play along.

"Peter! If you want me, come and get me!" I then took off running toward camp.

"My pleasure." I heard him call out from not that far. I then stopped and looked around to where he might have been, but he was not there. So I continued to run.

"Are you actually trying to figure out where I am Lottie? Don' t forget I am trying to get you right now." He stated. I laughed.

"I told you Peter, you don't scare me." I said again stopping to look where I thought I heard him. A small smile crept on my face this time as I heard the barely noticeable sound of wind from right behind me. I quickly turned around and before Peter had time to react to my movement I kicked him as hard as I could and started to run.

I heard him grunt in pain as I left him and I laughed.

"I told you I was not afraid of you Peter!" I called from behind me. Just then I felt myself hit something invisible and I fell down to the ground. Before I could get up I felt someone yank my hair back and pull me up.

Militant (Sequel to Warrior)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora