English Saddles and Cowgirl Hats

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Chapter One:

"Blaire Thompson! For the last time, it's two lead changes, then a half pass, not a half pass than two lead changes," my Mom thunders. The loud and angry tone of her voice causes Garland, my chestnut dressage horse to tense up, and sidestep to the right.

"I'm trying!" I growl through gritted teeth, and gather my reins. As hard as I try, I can't focus on the dressage pattern I'm supposed to be working though. My Mother's constant and non-stop nagging has started to make dressage un-enjoyable. Before, it was fun, and I looked forward to running to the stable after school, tacking up Garland and hitting the ring to work on a new pattern I had thought up in math class when I should have been concentrating on the radius of a circle thymes Pi. Now, however, entering the dressage ring and cueing my horse to do a simple lead change seemed like a chore. Call me spoiled, but I just can't enjoy my current lifestyle.

When things get tough, I try to put everything in perspective. Deep down, I know how truly lucky I am to have this opportunity at riding. Some girls can only dream of what I have. Everyone in my family has such high hopes for me. Olympics, FEI World Equestrian Games...the list expands quite a bit more.

"Focus Blaire!" My Mom practically screams, as I mess up another lead change. Garland anxiously flicks an ear back in her direction and I give her a tap with my heels to bring her back under concentration. Maybe I'm the one who needs the tap though. My mind wanders away and out of the ring, to God knows where. "Ok Blaire," Mom presses her forehead to her hands. "Bring Garland to a walk and exit the arena. I can't take anymore today."

Relieved, I walk Garland from the arena on a loose rein and back into the stable yard. "Me neither." I mutter.

After I dismount Garland and walk her into the stable, once again I begin to think about how much I dislike dressage. Forcing my mind out of its thought of hate for the sport, I hitch Garland up to the cross ties and begin to untack her. "Blaire?" My Mother calls.

"Great," I sigh, and sling Garland's saddle on her stall door. "What is it?" I call and begin to prepare for the worst.

My Mother enters the stable with a stern look emblazoned on her face. "We need to talk about this ride. Or was it even a ride? Cause I would call it a disaster!" She rants aloud.

Frowning, I attack Garland's smooth chestnut coat with a dandy brush. "What do want to discuss about it?" I ask, even though it's very obvious.

"Everything!" She screeches and takes a seat on a hay bale stationed by the cross ties. "You aren't working hard anymore Blaire! You become distracted often during practices. You're messing up your patterns," She clarifies. "Oh! And don't get me started on that last completion of yours! How could you have places so badly?"

"B-badly?" I stutter and throw the dandy brush back into the case. "I got a second. Tell me why that is bad."

"It wasn't first Blaire, that's why! How many times do I have to tell you that if you aren't going to work hard and finish first, then you might as well not ride at all!" She reminds me, and grabs a fistful of hay out of the bale. "See this?" She holds up the handful of hay. "Right, now it's a perfect, compact handful of hay. It's all together, with no loose ends. Like you used to be! But now," She lets go of the hay and it falls apart, each strand landing a few centimeters away from each other. "It's nothing. Like you are now."

That comment hurts and burns deep inside me, working its way into my brain and triggering a rage of anger. "What are you saying? That I'm USELESS?!" I shout, hardly caring that I'm spooking Garland. "How dare you? I used to put so much into my riding. Every single day all I did was train, train, train and practice! Competing in the Summer Olympics was my dream!" Tears fill my eyes. and work their way out, flowing down my cheeks in small rivers. "You ruined it though Mom! Once you saw I was enjoying it, you started to push me and push me until I couldn't take it any longer." I crack.

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