Chapter Seventeen

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"That was hot, babe." Jax whispers in my ear seductively. I laugh and turn around to face him.

"You know what's not hot?" I whisper to him. "You letting these girls think you're still single. You're mine and I want everyone to know it." I say a little louder.

"After that little show, I think everyone in town is gonna know it." He says and laughs, grabbing my waist.

"Do you know it?" I ask him, defiantly. He smirks. 

"Damn right I do," He kisses me softly. "But how are people gonna know you're mine?" He asks me. 

"I think everybody in Charming heard me screaming your name the other night, Jax. It's not a question of if I'm yours. It's really about whether or not you're mine." I say and look away.

"Baby, I'm all yours. There's no one else for me, and I think it's time you got a little refresher on just how serious I am." He lowly. He grabs my face and pulls me into him, kissing me fiercly. A bunch of whoops and cheers ring through the room. I guess all eyes were still on us, and everyone approves of mine and Jax's relationship. We pull away from each other and laugh, looking around at everyone in the room.

"Alright, alright. That's enough of that. I've got a birthday party to decorate for." Gemma says loudly, over everyone in the room. "Jax, why don't you take Taylor out to dinner or something so I can get the place ready for tomorrow." She states, not leaving any room for questions. 

"Gem, I can help you, you know. You can't do this all by yourself." I explain to her. She shakes her head at me and chuckles. 

"Baby look around. I've got all the help I'll need right here. Go on and have some fun." She says. "I want you to be surprised. Now I'm kicking you out of this clubhouse until 9 o'clock tomorrow night!" She says and shoos me and Jax out the door.

"Wait, Gem! Where am I supposed to-" And the door closes behind us. "Sleep?" I finish with a sigh, and I hear Jax chuckle beside me. 

"We can stay at my house babe." He says nonchalantly.

"What? You have a house?" I ask incrediously.

"Well yeah. What? Did you think I was homeless?" He asks laughing. I roll my eyes at him.

"Well no, I thought you lived at the Clubhouse." I laugh.

"Most nights I do. But no, I have my own place. Come on, we can go there now, and start the party early." He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, making me laugh. 

"Jax, you whore." I say simple and he just nods his head with a smile and hands me my helmet, gesturing me to hop on his bike.


When we pull up in Jax's driveway, I hop off the bike and wait for him to walk towards the door. When we finally get inside I attack him immediately. I tug on his cut, signalling I want it off. He pulls back enough to take it off, and I lift his white t shirt over his head. 


He lifts me up by my thighs, pinning me between him and the front door. "Bedroom." I say in between kisses. He pulls me away from the door and carries me down the hallway, all the while kissing me. Once we make it to the bedroom he throws me down on the bed, making me squeal in excitement. 

He goes to work on kicking his shoes off and unbuckling his belt, while I rip off my shirt and mirror his actions with the rest of my clothes, leaving me in nothing but my bra and panties. 

"God damn, you are gorgeous." He growls, and slowly makes his way over to the bed. He starts kissing me slowly and I push him away lightly. He looks down at me confused.

"We've done the slow thing already Jax. I need you, now." I explain and he smirks. "Fuck me, Jax." With that being said, he unhooks my bra and throws it across the room. After that he literally rips off my underwear, making me squeal, once again. Before I know what's happening, he ducks his head down and licks a strip up my core. I grab his hair and pull, making him growl against me. "Jackson. I need you inside me. Now!" I moan out. He looks up at me and smirks.

"Anything you want, darlin'." 

****END SMUT****


I wake up the next morning after hours and hours of passionate sex, and decide I need a shower. Jax joins me about halfway through. 

"Good morning." I smile as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind. 

"Happy birthday, baby." He starts kissing down my neck. After we finish our shower, I go towards the kitchen to make breakfast, only to find that there isn't anything to eat. 

"Jax, there's no food in this house." I laugh. 

"I told you, I'm never here, darlin'. We can just go to the diner to eat." He states simply.

When we get to the diner, I notice David's Jeep parked out front. I sigh softly and roll my eyes, preparing for the worst. When we walk in, I everyone is looking at us, I guess they heard the sound of a motorcycle pull in and everyone knows that means SAMCRO has arrived. While everyone else looks away, David keeps his eyes on us, glaring at the sight of our intertwined hands. He stands up and walks towards us. I sigh and I hear Jax chuckle softly beside me. 

"Calm down babe, you're not jailbait anymore." He whispers softly. I laugh softly, his words not calming me down any.

"Taylor, I hear a 'Happy Birthday' is in order." David says to me with a tight smile on his face.

"Yep sure is, my girl here is finally 18." Jax says smugly. David's smile drops at his words.

"Your girl, huh? How long has that been going on?" He asks suspiciously.

"Since this morning. Jax asked me out to breakfast today. I guess he's a little expectant on how this is gonna go. Haha." I laugh lightly. The last thing Jax needs is an investigation.

"Oh yeah I bet." Hale says in a snotty tone.

"Listen, I don't wanna fight with you today, David. Thank you for the birthday wishes, but we should get back to our date." I say trying to ease the tension.

"Yeah, yeah. Okay. You should go see your mother today though. She's been worried sick about you." 

"She knows where to find me. And she has my phone number, doesn't seem too worried to me." I say and pull Jax by his hand and with that we sit down at a booth.

"Jesus darlin', good save back there. I didn't even think about what I said before I said it." Jax whispers to me, referring to the whole 'my girl' thing. I laugh.

"I figured, no worries, but we are gonna have to get our story straight."

"I getcha. But let me just go ahead and say this" He says in a hushed voice, leaning forward, "You are my girl." I smile. 

"I know babe, but at least for a little while we're gonna have to keep that on the down low in public." 

"Whatever you say, babe." 


Sorry for the late and short update. Writer's block is kicking my ass, lol. Thank you everyone for the support <3

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