Chapter Five

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Jax ended up dropping me off at my house around 1:45. It didn't seem like I was out that long, but I was. Just as I had suspected, my mom hadn't come in to check on me. After I changed into my pajama pants and an old t shirt, I quietly went out into the kitchen to get a drink. If I wasn't gonna get laid today, I was defintely getting drunk. Unfortunately for me, my mother and mike were still in the livingroom watching tv. I couldn't exactly sneak a whole bottle of tequila out of the kitchen. 

"Taylor, are you done acting like a child?" Mike asks me from the couch, him and mom are cuddled up. I turn around and glare at him. 

"Hmm, am I done..? Nope, I dont think I am. I'll let you know though, thanks for asking." I say as I slam the door shut and turn to walk out of the kitchen back down the hallway.

My mom stands up and follows me to my room. Before I could close the door behind me, she measles her way in. 

"Can I help you?" I ask, sassily. 

"I wish you would stop being an asshole to Mike for five minutes. He's really trying to be a good father figure in your life." She tries to reason with me.

"A good father figure?!" I exclaim, followed by a sarcastic laugh. "He's an asshole mom, I don't understand why you can't see that. He fucking left me high and dry in a new town today, to find a new house, I had never even been to!" She sighs and shakesher head.

"He did not, you told him to leave you alone. So he did." She defends him.

"Um, no i did not. He called and I didn't have time to answer before he hung up. I was right around the corner from the diner, and you guys had already left. Next thing I know, I'm getting a text message with an address, telling me to find my own way home." SHe looks at me incrediously. 

"Why are you making this up, Taylor?" She asks, still shaking her head.

"Wow, mom. This is ridiculous, I can't believe you're taking his side, and you dont believe me." I say and look down.

"Why should I? You've given me no reason to trust you, you show up at the house, hours after we had already been home, on the back of a stranger's motorcycle. Jackson Teller's motorcycle no less." She exclaims.

"Mom, he just gave me a ride home, because someone abandonded me and left me high and dry. and why do you have such a hate on for the Tellers anyway?" I ask.

"That doesn't matter! I am your mother and I shouldn't have to expain myself to you! You are not to go anywhere near any of them again, do you understand me?" She all but screams at me, her hands on her hips.

"Mom! That's stupid! You don't even know JAx, and you're already making judgments against him? No, I'm almost 18 and you can't tell me what to do, and who not to go around. I don't care what you say, and until you give me a good reason, your opinion of them is invalid. Get out of my room, we're done here." I shout back at her. Next thing I know, I feel a sharp sting on the right side of my face. My hand instantly flies to the sore spot.

I look up at my mother and she looks as shocked as I am. She slapped me. Okay, yeah maybe I deserved it, but my mother has never hit me before. 

"I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me." She stammered out, still in shock. 

"Looks like Mike's rubbing off on you, more than you think." I say spitefully. Her eyes widen, and she looks pissed. "You gonna hit me again, mom?" I ask, and her face softens.

"No, I wasn't- I didn't, I just." She studders out. 

"Just get out mom." She looks down in shame. 

"I love you, Taylor." She says softly, as she goes to shut the door. 

"I love you too." I say and she looks back at me with a look of relief and a sad smile.

Honestly, I dont know why parents do that. They really piss you off and when they go to leave they tell you they love you. Do they expect you to say it back or tell them to fuck off?  Most of them get the latter, and then act all butthurt for the next week. I have never, and I will never, not tell my mother I love her. Life is too short, and too many unexpected things happen, I always tell my mother I love her before I hang up the phone, or before I walk out the door, and usually before I go to bed. We both make sure it's known, so we never have to guess. 

As soon as she closes the door, I sigh, walk over, lock it, turn off my light, and go to bed. This day has been too long. Welcome to day one of my new life.  

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