Chapter Two

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(Taylor's POV)

"Hey guys, I think I'm gonna go walk around town for a bit, I've got my phone on me so call me when you need me." Isays to mom and Mike. "Thank you for lunch! I'll see you guys later!" I give them a small smile and they all tell me bye before going back to their previous conversation. 

I really wanted to get out of there so i could smoke a cigarrette. Unfortuntley, I smoked my last one somewhere outside of Arizona. So I'm walking around trying to find a convienient store. I finally find one and I see a Harley parked outside. Hmm, intreging.  I think and go inside. I walk up to the counter and ask for a pack of Marlboro Light 100's. The girl behind the counter looks at me suspiciously. 

"Can I see your I.D?" She asks, eyeing me up and down. 

"Of course," I hand her my (fake) I.D, "here you go." She looks at it. As she's looking at my I.D, I look beside me to see a blonde haired hunk of a man, with crystal blue eyes, coming to stand behind me in line. He notices me checking him out and gives me a sly smirk. I smile back at him.

"Hale? Any relation to David or Jacob Hale?" She asks, ringing the pack of ciggarettes up. I reluctantly turn my head back toward the cashier.

I nod, "Yeah they're my uncles." Nosy much? I pay for the pack and walk outside, not looking back at the sex god standing behind me, but I can feel his eyes on me as I sway my hips a bit more than usual.

I walk outside, and as I'm opening the pack, I hear the bell for the door chime, indicating that someone walked out. "Fuck." I say when I realize that I dont have a lighter on me. I turn around to go back inside to buy one, when I see blue eyes lighting one of his own.

"Need a light, darlin'?" He asks me, the smirk never leaving his face. Before I can even answer he flicks his lighter and is ready to light my cigarette for me. How gentlemanly. 

I smile up at him, "Thank you." I say as I take a long, much needed drag off of my now lit cancer stick.

"No problem, so you new in town?" He asks casually.

"Yeah, how'd you know." I ask him, curiously.

"Small town like this, everybody knows everybody, I darlin' I would certainly remember a pretty face like yours." He says, charmingly. Huh, that fits. 

"Smooth line." I smirk, never once taking my eyes off his. "This your bike?" I ask, noticing the leather cut he's wearing. 

"Yes ma'am." He says proudly, "I'm Jax." he offers his hand out.

"Taylor." I respond, shaking his hand.

"Well, Taylor. It was good to meet you." He says getting on his bike, strapping on his helmet.

"You too! Thanks for the light, Jax." I say, and he winks, starting his bike and driving off. 

As I'm walking back toward the diner, my phone rings. Mike's calling me. Because I was already so close to the diner, I decide to ignore it and continue walking. As I'm walking into the diner, I get a text from Mike. All it was, was an address. The next one that pops up says, "Have fun walking." I sigh and shake my head. What a dick.  

Even though, I know I could call my mom and she could come get me, I decide to swallow my pride and find my own damn way home. As I'm walking , I realise that I have absolutley no idea where I am going. I look up and I see an automotive shop and walk towards the office. When I walk in, I'm greeted by a woman with black hair and white blonde streaks. 

"Hi! How can I help you?" She asks. She seems kind of intimidating, but I've been told I do too. 

"Um, I'm new in town, and I'm kind of lost, I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of this address." I show her my phone. 

"Oh yeah, of course. But, who's address is that?" She asks suspiciously. 

"Well, it's mine. But my step dad's a dick and kind of drove off without me, and I just got into town so I don't know where it is." I explain.

"Wow, you're right, he does sound like a dick." I laugh and she smiles. "I can have one of my boys take you over there if you want!" I smile and accept the offer.

"That would be great! If you don't mind!" I say.

"Not a problem at all, I'll have my son take you. You don't mind motorcycles do you?" She asks.

"No, not at all." I say. 

"Would your parents like it if you rode up on the back of a Harley though?" She asks, with an eyebrow raised.

"No, not at all." I smirk, and she laughs. 

"Perfect." She steps outside and yells, "Jackson!" She walks back into the office and informs me, "He's coming. What's your name, baby?" 

"Taylor." I say and smile at her. "Well, I'm Gemma. I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot of each other around here." She smiles as the office door opens. 

"Hey Mom, what's up." I turn around and see Jax standing there. He looks at me and smiles, "You following me, Darlin'?" he teases, and I roll my eyes. But before I can say anything Gemma speaks up.

"You two know each other?" She eyes the both of us. 

"We met earlier today at a gas station. Before I got lost." I explain. "And no I'm not following you." I laugh and roll my eyes once more. 

"Oh, okay. Well, Jax, would you mind taking Taylor home? She doesn't know how to get there and it's all the way across town." Gemma asks her son while handing him the address, he looks at me. 

"Of course, no problem. Come with me darlin'." Before I follow him out the door, I turn to Gemma. 

"Thank you so much!" I give her a smile. 

"No problem, baby. You need anything else, you come find me!" I smile and assure her I will, before turning back to Jax and follow him to his bike.

"You comfortable riding on this? If not, we can take the truck." He says pointing to his bike.

"No, this is fine. It won't piss my parents off as much if we pull up in my driveway in the truck." I say and wink. We both laugh and he hands me his helmet. 

"Oh I gotcha. Hold on tight." I wrap my arms around his torso and lay my head on his back. The wind blowing in my hair was invigorating and exciting. I had never felt so relaxed and carefree in my life. The ride ended too soon, even though it was probably about 10 minutes long, it felt like 2. 

"That was amazing, I've never felt anything like that in my life!" I say excitedly, as he shut off the engine and I climb off the back. He chuckles as he watches me take the helmet off and ramble on about how exciting that was.

"I take it you've never been on a motorcycle before?" He asks. I shake my head no, honestly. "Usually people are at least a little nervous their first time riding." He says up to me from his bike.

"I wasn't. I was more excited about it!" I say happily. He smiles at me and I see him glance behind me. 

"Those your parents?" He nods at the window, where my mom and Mike are standing. I turn around and look back at him again. 

"Yeah." I roll my eyes. "Well, thank you for the ride, and the light earlier. But mostly the ride." I wink. 

"Anytime Darlin'." he smiles. "Gimme your phone." He says and I do. "I put my number in there, so if you ever need anything, or wanna go for another ride, call me." He winks at me and starts putting his helmet on. 

"Oh trust me, you'll be hearing from me." I say 

"I look forward to it." I smile.

"I'll see you around, Jax." With that I turn around to head back inside and see my parents still watching. So I turn around, to see Jax still watching me. I walk up to him and give him a small kiss on the lips. When I open my eyes and pull away, he's looking up at me with a bit of a shocked expression.

"What was that for?" He asks , smiling. 

"Everything." This time Mike opens the front door and hollers at me to get inside. I roll my eyes. "Goodnight." I smile and walk away. 

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