She Came To Give It To You (Warning: Not finished)

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A/N: this is based off of: 'jade goes to a bar or something with leigh and jesy, and she meets perrie.  then perrie comes back another night just to see jade, and she flirts with her and stuff, and then they do the diddly do'  after seeing this prompt, the only thing that came to mind was the song 'She Came To Give It To You' by Usher, don't ask me why :p 

Okay, I would just like to say that I'm really sorry for taking such a long hiatus.  Anyway, I really wanted to give you guys something to kinda make up for my absence.  This prompt was an amazing idea, but unfortunately I've lost all ideas for it after getting some major freaking writer's block up in here.  But, since I did finish half of it, I'm deciding to publish it so that you guys can read it, and maybe if you want you can give me some ideas on how to continue if you really want me to, and also I feel bad for not updating in so long.  Don't read it if you don't like reading un-finished ficydoodles.  You have been warned.


"Oh, oh, I know!  What about that other lad...uh, what was his name?  Liam?"

"He's a friend, nothing more."


"Eugh, no!  There's no way I'd ever date him."

"Oh!  How about that Niall guy?"

"No, Leigh-Anne!  Ugh, will you two stop already?"

"See, this is why we want to hook you up with someone.  You're so grumpy when you're single," Jesy says, swirling her straw around to move of the ice away in her drink.  She takes a small sip, then scrunches her face up, subtly moving the drink away when she realizes she accidentally drank Leigh-Anne's drink (which was way too strong for her).

"I've been single the entire time I've known you two," Jade says.

"Exactly," Jesy replies, making Jade gasp.  "Look, whether you like it or not, we're going to hook you up with someone.  We wanna see what our little Jadey looks like when she's been struck by Cupid's arrow."

"I bet it's adorable.  Oh I can just see it now...she'll actually try to look presentable in the mornings-"


"-and she'll buy dozens of mints once she realizes her breath smells putrid,-" Jade frowns, bringing her hand up to check her breath, "and she'll finally act like the girl she is!  Ugh, so cute!"  Jade rolls her eyes once Leigh-Anne finishes, reaching across the table to flick her forehead.

"I don't even know why I'm friends with you two.  You're so mean to me."

"We just want to help you, Jadey!  We're older than you, so therefore we are wiser than you, and we know what's best!  We know the opportunities that will come to you once you embrace your inner woman."

"Hey!  What's wrong with my outer woman!?" Jade whines.

"We're at a bar and you have your hair up in a bun, your make-up doesn't exist, and you're wearing sneakers to match your flannel," Leigh-Anne says, she being the fashionista of the group.

"What's wrong with my flannel?!"

"We're at a bar!"

"Well unlike some people, I actually like to be comfortable when I go out."

"Comfort doesn't get you laid, Jade." Jesy deadpans, Leigh-Anne nodding along beside her.

"Not everything in life is about having sex."

"That is life, Jade!  That's everything that life revolves around!  Why do I have a life?  My parents did the naughty naughty.  Why do you have a life?  Because your parents did the naughty naughty!  We're all alive because someone did the naughty naughty!  Ha ha!  For once you're not the smart one!" Jesy explains, doing a karate chop over the table to express her pride and happiness over her 'victory'.

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