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A/N: just a short little thing cuz i was just in the fluffy mood


Jesy is sprawled about across the foot of the bed, Leigh-Anne's feet propped up on her stomach while my own stop just before my toes can wiggle against her bum, my knees bent to avoid contact.  She had patted my shin in thanks for the consideration, Leigh getting a scowl to which she merely laughed off.  Obviously Jesy didn't actually mind it, and Leigh knew that.  

Then there was the blonde curled up to my side, arm draped across my chest so her hand rests just at my shoulder, thighs resting under my knees since they're bent off the bed.  Leigh-Anne and I had made space for her, the area above Jesy's head very much free and unoccupied, but Perrie had insisted on sleepily making her way to my side of the bed and fitting herself on the small amount of space left.  

It wasn't anything new, though, so I simply let her do as she pleased, watching as she burrowed her face into the crook of my neck, not bothering to watch the TV.  Jesy and Leigh seemed to be very into whatever was playing, but I'm sure if I asked them about it they wouldn't actually know what's going on, nor any of the context.  The cons of living a popstar life, I guess.  You never get to keep up with shows.

"How is she already asleep?" Jesy asked, snapping me out of my reverie and causing me to stop in my efforts to draw random little shapes and patterns on Perrie's back with my fingers.  She squirmed a bit, frowning, but remained locked in her dreams.

"Dunno," I said, shrugging carefully so the movement wouldn't wake the blonde.

Leigh-Anne sighed, laying her head on my shoulder.  I immediately dropped my head to let it rest atop hers, it being such an automatic thing since us girls were so close and touchy with each other.  We have such a close bond, and I love it so much.  

"Shall we call it a night then?  It is getting late."

Jesy looked up at her, nodding.  "Yeah, I guess so."

We would've stayed together and just had a nice little sleepover, but these hotel beds were a lot smaller than usual, and though we're okay with being practically on top of each other, we're also a bit exhausted and need more space to sleep comfortably.  We're still sharing rooms and beds in two's, though, and Jesy and Perrie are in this bed while Leigh and I are in the other room with the other bed.  

Leigh-Anne pressed her heel a bit deeper into Jesy's stomach on purpose as she got up, making the older girl gasp out a laugh along with her groan, smacking her leg a few times as Leigh rolled off the bed.  Jesy then sat up, stretching a bit before getting up as well to move and take Leigh and I's spot.  I followed my roommate's lead, starting to ease myself out of Perrie's grasp to get off the bed.

Damn, that was a strong hold.

She frowned even deeper in her sleep, her arm slipping from around my waist to rest on the sheets instead.  She was so cute, always so childish and vulnerable, adorable in everything she does.  

I managed to finally get out of her grip, Leigh-Anne grabbing onto me and tugging me dramatically as if we were in some action movie and she was saving me from something.  I played along with her, making Jesy laugh at my facial expressions.  

"Night, Jes," Leigh said, wrapping her arms around the eldest girl's neck in tired fashion, the hug quick and brief before she headed over to the door.  

"Night, Poopey."  Jesy brought me into her chest, patting the top of my head and making me giggle.  Even though Perrie is the youngest, Jesy sometimes liked to treat me like the child since I just seem smaller.  Plus she always says that I'm the most well-behaved.

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