My Soldier, My Love

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A/N: this is based off of: 'heyyyyy can you do 1 whre like one of them is in war and the other is a nurse, and one takes care of the other's injuries or something.' So, I'm not good at history and stuff, so i asked my good friend for some help on this (and I also got some help from a story i read a year ago). but uhm, i kinda took this prompt much farther than i think you intended it to be :/ i have no clue what this war is based on, but it's based on something...i think :p (again, not good with history or whatever)

It was a hot and humid day, though it wasn't unexpected since that's what it's been like this entire week. As the girl worked, she could feel sweat dripping down her back, causing her shirt to stick to her unpleasantly as she walked among the injured soldiers.

She's become used to the constant groaning of the wounded men, and the stench of coppery blood that was trapped inside of the enclosed make-shift hospital (a church near the current battlefield). She walked her course, the soldiers looking at her as if she was an angel sent from heaven (even though her clothes were blood-stained and covered with dirt).

The other local woman were doing the same as she was, walking around in a hurry to treat as many wounded men as possible, knowing they had to get back out on the battlefield as soon as possible. There was only one doctor performing surgeries and amputations, so the 'nurses' had to do everything possible to keep the soldiers alive until they could be treated by him.

She blocked out the sounds of battle outside, kneeling down beside a red uniform-clad soldier, dabbing his forehead with a rag, tucking her blonde hair behind her ear so it would stay out of her face.

The soldier opened his eyes, looking up at her as she worked to wipe away the blood now staining his face. She became a bit self-conscious, noticing that he was quite young and handsome. He continued to look at her, trying to focus his vision on her, and once he did, a small smile tugged at his lips.

"You have nice eyes.", he rasped, his voice sounding gravely due to not using it for a long time. She blushed a bit, finding it endearing that he actually put effort into speaking to her, unlike the other soldiers that are more focused on their pain and trying to conserve their energy to help their body heal.

"Thanks.", she whispered, getting back to focusing on cleaning up his face. The soldier closed his eyes, swallowing thickly as he let the girl do her work. She frowned a bit, knowing that the young man before her probably wasn't going to last much longer. She knows the fate of half the men scattered along the floor, and she was understanding of the fact that almost all of them would die, but for some reason her heart clenched at the thought of this particular soldier having that cruel fate.

He opened his eyes again, and she gave him a small smile before it disappeared, the negative thoughts from seconds ago returning.

"Ya know, you should smile more.", he said in a small hushed voice, bringing another small smile to the blonde's lips. "There, just like that. It's beautiful, just like you." She knew that he was probably delirious due to do his battle wounds and lack of blood in his system, but she couldn't help but smile even wider at that, feeling her heart flutter from his kind words. "What's your name, love?"

"Perrie.", she answered, looking deep into his light brown eyes.

"That's a nice name. Unique."

A loud boom sounded from outside, and Perrie instinctively looked out the window. When she looked back down at the soldier, it looked as if he was breaking out of a trance. His eyes darted around the 'hospital', looking every which way to try and make sense of where he was. Did the sound of the cannon bring him out of his delirious state?

"Where am I? How did I get here?", he asked, attempting to sit up, but Perrie placed a gentle hand on his chest, stopping him from moving and causing himself more pain.

Jerrie One-ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora