Hate That I Want You

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A/N: this is based off of: Jade and Perrie both hate each other but everybody else knows they have sexual tension between each other and that both of them try to see how far they could go in making the other flustered until one of them breaks and kisses the other like an angry make out or something. I know you don't write smut so it doesn't need to be smutty I just really love your one shots :) (I hope it's okay, not sure if it's exactly what you wanted or not, but I tried :D)

"Leigh-Anne, I'm going to die!", Perrie whines as she shuffles things around in her messy locker, trying to look for last nights homework assignment for science. She's been looking through it for the past 10 minutes, Leigh-Anne (her best friend since first grade) standing next to her and watching the entire time.

"Perrie, it's just one assignment. You'll be fine.", Leigh says, trying the calm her blonde friend down.

"No, no, no! You don't understand!", Perrie says, slamming her locker shut once she realizes she's never going to find it. "My mom said that if I don't get my grade up, she's not going to let me go to New Zealand this summer. This worksheet is worth a lot of points, and I'll be able to get my grade up with this one assignment alone! And I actually did it! I worked on it during my free period yesterday, then I put it in my locker once I was done with it, so that I wouldn't forget it at home or anything...but now it's gone!"

"Are you sure you put it in your locker?"

"Yes! I'm positive! Even my lucky pencil that I worked on it with is still in there...the only thing missing is the actual worksheet."

"Welp, I'm sorry, Perrie. Class is gonna start soon, and I don't think you have enough time to search for it. Maybe if you tell the teacher he'll let it slide?"

"Mr. Parker hates my guts. He's not gonna let me turn it in tomorrow, that fucking a-HEY!" Perrie is rudely shoulder checked by someone walking by, and her body is pushed into her locker, interrupting her sentence. She and Leigh-Anne turn their heads to find who the culprit was, and the blonde feels her blood boil when she sees who it is.

"Whoops...did I do that?", Jade Thirlwall asks innocently, even though she knows she purposely shoulder checked Perrie. Her friend, Jesy Nelson, snickers behind her.

"You know very well that you're the one who did that, you twat.", Perrie spits back. The two girls have always hated each other, and have had an unspoken rivalry between them. Nobody knows how exactly it started, but they think it was when Jade stole Perrie's crayon in kindergarten, and Perrie stole her bow to get back at her for it.

"Sorry not sorry.", Jade says, turning to walk away.

"Yeah that's right, walk away...slut.", Perrie mutters to herself and Leigh-Anne, the two of them chuckling a bit, but they stop when they see Jade turn to face them once again.

"At least I can get pleasured from an actual person, instead of only my fingers.", she fires back, and Perrie's jaw drops from the insult as the entire hallway breaks out into various 'ooohhhhh's from the other students who have been watching the scene so far.

"Bitch.", Perrie snarls.

Jade giggles, and for some reason, Perrie finds herself slightly enjoying the sound, but she'll never admit that. "Awww, sweetie, were you trying to get me back? It was a cute effort, really, but I think we both know who won this round." With that final remark, Jade starts walking off again with Jesy obediently following behind her, but not before sending a wink to the blonde.

Perrie's face turns red, and she's not sure if it's from the anger and hatred she feels towards the girl, or from the blush creeping onto her face when Jade winked at her.

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