Black Magic

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A/N: I mean come on...they set this up perfectly.  Also, not edited cuz i'm on a timed schedule today lol.  Enjoy?


"Ugh, that portal ride was awful!"

"I swear they're just getting worse and worse these days," Jesy agreed, stumbling forward a few steps with a grimace on her face, her broom keeping her steady as she felt like throwing up any second.

"Oh!  Bloody hell, it messed up my hair!" Leigh-Anne continued, following behind Jesy slightly and using her hand to comb through her hair, picking out leaves and other debris out of it.  

They both continued walking, mumbling complaints about their travels to this town.  They stopped when they come to a small clearing, seeing two teenage girls sitting on a deserted swing set, looking to be in deep conversation.  One girl, a blonde, was crying about something while the other was reaching out to hold her hand, but stopped once she was close enough and withdrew her attempt.

"What is this?" Jesy thought aloud, Leigh-Anne coming up behind her to observe the scene as well.

"Aw, that one has a crush!" Leigh squealed in excitement, the end of her broom accidentally hitting Jesy's head as she flailed around, she quickly clearing her throat and calming down once the older woman sent her a glare.

"What's a crush?  It sounds stupid."

"It's a human thing.  Something about love."

"And what's love?"

"Like...uhm..oh, you know when we get a new batch of supplies to make our potions?"

"And we get to ruin people's lives?  Yes, I quite enjoy when that happens," Jesy snickered, smirking as she recalled many memories of their evil endeavors.  

"Well, love is kinda like that.  It's supposed to make them feel really happy."

"Ew, "happiness".  Disgusting," Jesy muttered, turning her head the other way and starting to march off in another direction to avoid the gross human interaction.

"Hey!  Wait, Jes!" Leigh called, grabbing Jesy's elbow before she could get to far and yanking her back so they could both continue to watch.

"I just don't understand what I did wrong?  Why did he leave me...?" the blonde cried, her hands coming up to block her face as her shoulders started to shake.

"What's she doing?  Why is she convulsing?" Jesy asked.

"It's called crying, now shh!" Leigh shushed.  

"No, Pez, you did nothing wrong.  He's just a dirty bastard, and he doesn't deserve your tears.  I promise you, Perrie, you're perfect.  Someone better is waiting out there, ready to heal you and love you like you deserve," the smaller brunette next to her said, her face showing a range of emotions before she moved her hand again, about to rest it on the other girl's thigh to comfort her before the blonde jolted up off the swing.

"Who?!  WHO?!  There's nobody, Jade!  Nobody wants me," the blonde sobbed.

"What a drama queen," Jesy commented.  "Can we leave now?"  Leigh-Anne just smacked her arm and pushed her head to look back at the two girls.

"There's someone, I promise you," the brunette said quietly, standing up and walking over to hug the blonde, the girl crying into her shoulder.  Leigh-Anne and Jesy watched the small, petite girl start to cry as well, her face showing so much pain.

"I don't...understand..." 

"She likes her, Jesy."

"Well, yeah, anyone with eyes can see that," Jesy said, Leigh-Anne rolling her eyes at her.  "I meant...I don't understand why I...I...want to help her..."

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