[MARLIZA] One Note at a time

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Marliza makes my heart flutter uwu

Maria walked into her apartment, sighing as she did so. It had been a very difficult day at work, nor helped by the fact that she had ran into her ex on the streets.

The 23-year-old sighed as she took off her shoes, placing them next to the door. She then heard the voice that she stayed alive for.

"MOMMY!" Her 4-year-old daughter, Susan, yelled. Susan ran into Maria's arms. Maria embraced her daughter, holding her tightly. She sighed happily.

Then, Eliza entered behind her. She was eating a jar of peanut butter.

"Eliza, are you serious? At least use a spoon dammit," Maria laughed, nudging her friend. Eliza turned a light red, which Maria didn't notice. Susan giggled.

"What's so funny, hon?" Asked Maria, lifting Susan and placing her in her hip.

Susan leaned close to Maria's ear, as if she was telling her mother a secret.

"Auntie Eliza bought a piano, and she taught me how to play it!" Susan whispered. Maria turned to Eliza, smiling at her friend greatfuly. Eliza smiled back.

"Anyways, Susan, isn't past your bed time?" Maria told her daughter, walking over to the bedroom. Susan smiled.

"I just wanted to stay up to say goodnight to you!" Susan said, then yawned. Maria kissed her daughters forehead, then covered her with blankets.

Maria then turned the light off, walking to the livinv room area, where, like Susan had said, there was a keyboard in the middle of the room.

"You know, what? Since you ate MY peanut butter, not even with a spoon, you have to teach me to play a melody on that," Maria confirmed. Eliza smirked.

"OK, but, like you have to sit down," Eliza explained.

Maria sat down, Eliza sat down next to her, a blush covering her face.

Maria, being naïve as frick, didn't notice.

"So first, place your hands on the 'B' note," Eliza explained, doing what she explained.

Maria did as she asked.

It been an hour since Maria first started learning, and Eliza claimed that she was doing an amazing job.

It was time for Eliza to leave.

"Hey, 'Liza," Maria said as Eliza was putting on her shoes. Eliza turned around, only to be hugged by Maria. Eliza was a little suprised at first. But then, she hugged back.

"Thank you, for everything, you have no idea have much help you've been while babysitting Susan," Maria explained when they pulled apart.

Eliza stayed silent, but with her eyes, said 'You're welcome'.

And just before she left, she pressed her lips against Maria's own.

"And just so you know, I like you a lot," Eliza smiled. She left, leaving Maria in a blushing mess behind the door. Maria finally realised the feeling she had for Eliza, all these years.

It was love.

Marliza's good for the heart :))

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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