[LAMS] Symbolism (Flower Shop AU)

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John Laurens was making his way across the road. He reached the other side, staring at the different shops in front of him.

His eyes set on a flower shop. He smiled, noticing a rainbow of different coloured plants in front of him. He walked towards it, when he noticed a man through the windows.

The man had dark brown hair, pulled back into a loose ponytail. He seemed to be short, from what John could tell. The man had dark, glimmering eyes.

John followed the man's gaze, seeing him staring at a bunch of Sunflowers, smiling at them.

John cracked a smile as he made his way towards the entrance.

He pushed open the door, hearing a little 'Ding!' from the bell as he entered.

The man jumped a bit, turning his attention to where John stood. John saw the man examine him for a second, before meeting John's eyes and smiling.

"Welcome to Rosée du matin!" The man exclaimed, walking towards John.

John pulled a face,"Morning Dew?"

The man smiled as he nodded.

John looked around the shop.

It was scattered with flowers, all of different kinds. There were flower  crowns arranged by the windows, with some scattered on the colourful shelves. Thereason were a few strings of flowers laying across the tables, and some loose flowers.

John turned his attention to the man, noticing that he had a flower crown on his head. John giggled quietly.

"So," the man began,"I'm Alexander, but you can call me Alex." Alexander ran around a little, picking up flowers from the ground and off of the table. "The shop isn't always this messy, I swear, it's because we just had a workshop with a load of kids and we made flowers crowns."

John grinned,"That's fun, I don't get to do that sort of stuff, since I'm a tattoo artist," John thought for a moment,"I'm John by the way."

Alex nodded as tied the flowers he was tidying with a string, making them into a bunch.

Alex looked at the flowers for a second, then at John. He contuined doing that for a few moments, before grinning like a child.

"Here!" Alex said, holding the flowers out to John. Alexander looked so inoccent, John had to smile at him. He took the flowers from Alex hands. He sniffed the beautifully arranged floral, taking in their sweet scent.

"So, are these supposed to be symbolic or something like that?" John asked, staring at his flower tattoo. Alex seemed to turn a bit red.

"Oh! Um, yeah, Uhhh... Friendhip! Yeah, long lasting friendship!" Alex fiddled with his flower crown, only to turn his attention back to John.

John smiled mischievously.

"So, roses are suppose to represent friendship?"

Alexander turned a bright red, "Uh..."

John chuckled,"Thought so, anyways, I better be going, see you later."

John turned away and walked towards the door. He opened it, but before he left, He said this,

"See you Later, loverboy."

[Word Count: 500]

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