CH 14. Shikidan The Eternal Wolf

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Hmmm, this is strange, where am I? Suddenly,  I woke up in a very dark area. the ground is not dirt so I'm in a different place. I remember stopped Mizuki, resulting in saving Naruto and Iruka. And then I had a weird Dojutsu, which does not exist in the canon. The hell happens now.

As Nishida is deep in his thought, he got interrupted by a sudden torches lights up around him. Those torches look like it made of iron and it's around 7 feet tall. The flame on the torches are green, and it's not just one. There are many torches on two sides, forming straight lines between one another, making a big pathway. On the edge of it, there's only darkness. But the other, lies Shikidan, in his gigantic size, resting on a presumably a throne in a shape of a gigantic bed for animals.

"Greetings, it is nice to finally meet with you properly" Shikidan said and then bow his head.

"A-Ah, Shiki. The same goes to you. So .... this is the inside of my mind huh ?" Nishida said then looking around in his mind space. Complete darkness covers the ceiling and around, except for the ground, that is made of steel.

"Yes. Your mind space is constructed based on the image of your heart."

What, is this how I pictured myself. I thoughts there'll be giant armory that kept the best weapons I've ever seen and a giant library that contains books that suits my needs.

"Huh, well that's a bummer. Didn't think that my soul thoughts about how depressing I am"

"Aren't you ??"

"Wellll Y-You know. This and that ...... They all happened so quickly ......... no wonder. Anyway, you probably want to talk about something because we are here all alone ?"

"Yes in fact. I wanted to talk to you about your power"

"My power ?"

"Yes, including. Your eye"

"Hmm, go on ..."

"Before I start to explain, it's best to know about my past."

"And that'll be connected ?"

"Oh yes. You see, my existence in this plane is hardly known. Except, for a certain clan."

"Plane? So you're not from around here. Well, it kinda makes sense 'cause I'm the same. But what did you mean by a certain clan ?"

"You see, it's hardly possible for mortals to know about my existence. But, there's is one clan that very well knows about me. A clan that's almost similar as you and i ........"

Wait wait wait, could it be ............

"The clan that travels dimensions between dimensions to seek out  power, the Ōtsutsuki Clan."

Well, that is .....

"Well, that's surprising. Didn't think of that, wow. So, they recognized you ?"

"Oh, they're more than recognized me. Because ..... I ..... Am their creator"


"Wait ............. Wait for what now ?!"

"Yes. It is i ......... Shikidan. The eternal wolf ......... The one who created the infamous clan."


"You must be in confusion master. It all started millions of years ago when The All Creator, created me. Immediately, I have bestowed a gift. A gift ........... To create anything I want. I know this is a test from Him. So, I thought to myself, what kind of creation that can impress The All Creator.

The Wizard Of Konohagakureजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें