Trigger Warning: Manual to Self Destruction

36 3 0

People think a life ended is a choice:

A knife

A pill

But the secret to self destruction? 

Go to school

Be the good girl

"Sticks and Stones"

You don't reply

Be the better person.

Your legs swish as that tight little miniskirt

Gives the attention you need, 

Not that you want

And you finger the hem

Wishing thighs would part,

And your stomach would stay tucked in that strangling waistband.

Lips red as blood

But only enough to look


You're quiet and don't speak

As the catcallers whistle.

You get just enough wrong 

To not be "too" smart

And push away your lunch,

You're never hungry anymore.

The cigarette graces your fingers

And smoke takes you to a better place

Even though

Your head whirls and 

It still makes you cough.

You walk fast keys in hand

Head high and trembling.

You dodge your parents

And sit in the corner of your room,

Fingering the scarred bracelet you share

With every other "normal" girl.

It wasn't the knife, not her pills - though

She keeps them both behind that hateful mirror

That tells her she should use them.

It's the everyday,

It's society,

It's all too much.

One crack one flaw and you're no good anymore.

How does one self destruct? 

You laugh ruefully to yourself.

It's not a how -

Rather a when.

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