Silver-Tongued Snake(s)

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I wonder if it's as easy for her to say,
words slipping off her tongue,
sweet as honey but with a dagger beneath.
Yet the poison is trapped inside,
the blade twisting into her own stomach
as she leans forward
to converse with you.

You recognize the scene,
yet make no move to help.
You tell yourself you see nothing,
yet you recognize her plight as the same you see every morning in your bathroom mirror.
It's sickening,
But you're too far gone to help anyone,
Including yourself,
The worst thing is you recognize her.
She's everyone
A stranger
A friend

- -

It's your fault and that's your poison.
You let it seep into your blood
And slowly relax into your chair,
Your head still nodding
In the rhythm of practiced lies
As you fall into oblivion.

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