\ 13 August

43 4 2

8:29 \ laying still under the covers, because i woke a minute before my alarm. Relax, you have time. Listen to the shallow breaths and smile at the outline curled up before me

10:17 \ eyes glazed over, flipping through well worn pages. Time seems to stand still

1:24 \ everything's frazzled, harassed. Not again seems to hang in the air, where are we?

4:44 \ sand between our toes, you took the low path. Always separate, why can't I just stay still

5:49 \ sitting next to you, the breeze tastes salt and the sun caresses our backs. Your presence is so strong I can feel you sitting next to me. Holding my breath, don't let this end

8:01 \ we talk. You tell me about your life; I miss this. The flow of conversation pours with no hesitation. Laughter hangs around

10:11 \ it's tired. The night is closing and sleep tugs at our eyes. Goosebumps and 10trips to the bathroom

10:17 \ outside. The warm air surrounds like a friend, and we're safe again

11:14 \ my bed waiting, the shower runs in the background. Refuse to fall asleep because time's almost up

1:31 \ you're curled up again hiding. Looks like you're back in school trying to hide your phones glow, but it's the tv that graces your features. A smile settles on your lips, and I'm staring at the screen, wishing life was as easy as the shows we love to love. Everything always ends.

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