When the sun rose completely, the battle was ending.

Goneril and Aldair were covered in blackish streaks, Orc's blood. Soon after the last Uruk was killed, the woman leaned forward on the saddle and rested her head on Aldair's neck.  "It's over. We've made it again."

In a sort of tragic answer, the horse gave a brief neigh and then collapsed to the ground. Immediately Goneril stood up.  "Aldair!!"  she shouted.
The stallion had been hit.  Blood gushed from the jugular.
"No! No! Aldair ..." screamed Goneril, desperate.  But the stallion died.

She remained motionless, unable to react, in silent contemplation of the carcass.  The warrior had never counted the battles she fought in, but there had been many, in ten, bloody years.  She and Aldair had survived everything and everyone.  And now it was gone too.  For the umpteenth time in her life, she felt the unsettling feeling of being alone in the world.  Aldair was a horse, an animal, but it was also the only being which remained close to her against all adversity.

"Goneril."  said a masculine voice behind her.
The woman turned and saw her captain.  Degarre approached, he was smiling.  "It's over, Goneril. Théoden says the battle is won."

The girl didn't seem to react. 

"Goneril ... General ... did you hear me?"  Degarre repeated.  "It's over. It's ..."

In a flash, the woman ran to him and started to hit him with a series of well-aimed slaps.

"Ugly traitor, worm...thief! ... where have you been so far!!" She screamed.

The other soldiers turned around, and, with Hammon, watched the situation, while Degarre tried to defend himself.  ".... how did you all dare ?! How !!!"  She shouted again.

Degarre grabbed her wrists.  "Calm down, calm down now! We were going to Isengard." He lied.  "... we were going there to look for you!"

"Liar!"  she replied, breaking free from the soldier's grip.  "You wanted to rob me, didn't you? Admit it!"

"No, Goneril!"  Hammon intervened.  "We ran here when the Wizard told us you were in danger. We would never betray you, you know it. Soldiers!"
he turned to the legionaries.  Several had fallen during the battle.  "... salute to the General!"

The mercenaries lined up in two rows and shouted the military salute.  Goneril didn't care about them.  She kept staring at Degarre.  I don't buy that. I know what you wanted to do, thief.  I read it in your eyes.

"We're here for you. Hammon says the truth. I would never betray you ..." Degarre added, in the most sincere tone he could find.

"Shut up."  she hissed, closing his mouth with one hand.  "You just have to shut up."

The surviving soldiers of Rohan watched the scene confused.  Even King Théoden, happy for the unexpected triumph, looked at them.  "We have won one of the most terrible battles I have ever seen. It is not time for resentment, now. Keep your skirmishes for later."

Goneril turned around.
"Yes, exactly, we won. And I remind you, Majesty, that we deserve a reward."

Théoden did not seem to understand.  "Idis ... do you want ... money from me?"

The girl advanced a few steps.  "My name is Goneril and I command an army of mercenaries, if you have not yet understood it. Our skirmishes do not concern you. What is important, now, is that we have defended your people and I only need to turn my gaze on my men to understand that some of them have lost their lives. I demand a payment. And it must be substantial, as your niece promised me. "

The Eastern WomanWhere stories live. Discover now