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"Must suck that you could never be me," C.T

"Master, your parents have returned," I rolled my eyes in annoyance as the maid knocked outside my room door to get my attention. "I don't really care, but thanks," I drawled out, throwing myself back to my phone conversation.

"Chez, don't be like that..." Vivi trailed off on the other end of the line and I hissed. "No. We are not going to discuss anything. I just got my new clothes. Let me bask in the glory before I have to face the music," I said and I could tell that she was nodding despite not seeing her. "I understand," She mumbled quietly, getting what I was feeling.  "Did you at least get the red suit that I told you about from Versace?" She mused and I grunted. "You mean the $4,987 one?" I questioned and she hummed in response.

"Oh yeah, and I even got a pair of matching shoes and a Cartier watch to boot," I felt giddy about that because it was one of their limited edition watches and I managed to get 1 of 3. I mean, I could've gotten all three and just dispersed them around as gifts, but I wasn't that nice. "You're gonna be looking good as my date," Vivi cheered, reminding me of the gala that was coming up. As much as I loved to shop and as much as I loved to wear the new clothes that I got, I hated dressing up for useless shit like galas and balls. Vivi had to attend because of her parents and unlike me, she enjoyed these functions. I hated going to them because all I did was sit there and look pretty for my parents while they talked all kinds of shit about me to their 'friends.'

"Who knows?" Vivi teased and I knew what was coming. "Maybe you'll find a nice girl," She said and I sighed in disgust, not wanting any female that attended this gala. They all seemed to be the same. "Shut up. You sound like she-who-shall-not-be-named. If I'm going with you, they're all going to think you're my girlfriend, so it's a win-win situation," It wasn't that I detested the female population because some of them could get it, but I just wasn't sure if the time was right.

There was another impertinent knock on my door.

"Come in," I yelled out, staring blankly at the maid who entered. "Can I help you?" I questioned as she started her usual routine of stammering and shaking her legs. Why? Make it stop. "U-um, master, your parents request your presence in the main room," She refused to look everywhere but me and I dismissed her with a wave. "Of course they do,"I muttered lowly before returning back to my call. "Okay, I'll let you go now, Chez. Call me later," Vivi was in a rush to get off of the phone, knowing how my parents were, and I rolled my eyes, planning to lay in this bed until I felt the slightest need to move. 

"You got it," That was all that was said before the call ended and I was staring at my reflection on my phone. Such a beautiful reflection it was. I huffed before getting out of the bed, making my way downstairs to spend time burning in hell. 

"I see you took your time," I internally hissed as I entered the main room, not even bothering to bow as I took a seat across from Satan. "Yea," That was all I said before the conversation began to start, not from my end though. "We attend the gala this weekend so look your nicest and things should be fine," I huffed as the long-awaited usual tirade went on and on. This happened every single time we had an event. 

"Make sure to be on your best behavior, Cheyenne," The woman before me gave me a stern look and I fought the urge to growl. "We must try hard enough to find you a nice woman," She smiled to herself, yet again worming her way into something that had nothing to do with the likes of her. "Is that so, Davina?" I spat coldly, seeing her blue eyes light up in sheer anger as she jolted her head my way, her long black hair thrown over her shoulder. 

Davina Thorn was my dear mother, hence I say that with sarcasm. Ever as beautiful as she was, her heart was even colder and her personality was even shittier. Though, she did a good job hiding behind her fake mask as the president of the Briarwood Country Club here in Palo Alto Hills. She was better than every single woman in this city, and she made sure they knew it to, flaunting her latest acquisition or bragging about how much money she made in under ten minutes just for flashing her eyelashes at the club. She was shit and I made sure she knew it every day. Shitty person, shittier mother.

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