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It wasn't that hard taking Yeonjun back to his room.

It was the thoughts on the way to his room that was bad.

"then why won't you like me back, y/n."

why won't you

like me


those words rang in your head again.

He probably didn't know what he was saying.

yes that's probably it.


With a loud grunt, you heaved Yeonjun onto his bed.

You covered him with his blanket and went into the bathroom. You came back out with a warm wet cloth and sat on his bed, wiping away the tiny beads of sweat gleaming on his forehead.

As you did so, you found yourself gradually getting mesmerised by every single detail of his facial features. His crescent-shaped eyes and pale thin red lips.

Was he always this good looking?

Unable to resist the temptation anymore,  you ran your fingers through his soft brown hair. Yeonjun let out a comfortable sigh, snuggling further into your palm.

You couldn't help but giggle at this.

"So, you like this huh," you chuckled.

You continued ruffling his hair while attempting to soak in his breath-taking visuals. Also the tiny little bump on his head was the cutest thing ever. As you sat facing Yeonjun on his bed, with your thoughts to yourself, a hand crept up to your hand, fingers intertwining with yours.


You let out a gasp of shock as he pulled you onto him.

You let out yet another gasp of shock when both his hands grabbed your waist and pressed you on top of him, abolishing any distance there was between the two of you. Then with one hand still remaining on your waist, the other wandered to your hair and started to stroke it.

You were amazed at how you didn't even attempt to struggle.

Yeonjun's grip was firm. Giving your current position, you were laying on his chest, both your arms glued to your sides. Like a penguin.

"My turn, princess."

You heart skipped a beat when he said that. Was it the tone? Or was it the way he said it? You didn't know. But you let him ruffle your hair.

He sighed, "my princess. So, so beautiful."

"I have to leave," you pushed yourself off his chest.

Only to be pushed back in.

"No," he growled, "you cannot leave."

"Why not?"

"Because if you leave, you're gonna have to take me with you. The whole me, entirely, without leaving anything behind. Don't just take my heart away. The way you always do."

You blushed scarlet.

"Stay with me, y/n," he continued, "Stay with me tonight."

And so you did.

And so you did

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Hullo I can't write smut.

Hope this wasn't bad xx.

Thanks for reading y'all 💛💛

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