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You looked at their schedule, and boy, it was packed.

The 5 of them were practicing the choreography for their title track, crown.

For a recently debuted rookie group, they practiced harder than anyone else.

You looked at Soobin, sweat trickling down his forehead as he took in deep heavy breaths.

Ooh, smexi.

The music stopped and they took a short break.

You handed them each a towel and a bottle of mineral water.

Soobin nodded his head, "thank you, y/n."

You smiled.

Yeonjun stood by your side, arms crossed.

He wanted a towel too.

You threw a towel at his face, and a bottle. Both nearly missing his face.

He bared his teeth at you and you stuck out your tongue at him.

It was almost lunch, they've been practicing for hours now.

You decided to go to the mini mart downstairs and buy them each snacks to replenish their energy.

Chocolate muffin for Beomgyu
A bar of chocolate for Kai
Peach flavoured puddings for Taehyun
Banana for Yeonjun
And breads for Soobin

You paid and hurriedly made your way back to their practice room.

The boys were all collapsed on the floor breathing heavily when you went back in.

"Y/n!! Where did you go???" Kai sat up, noticing the bags in your hands.

"I went to get you guys snacks. You guys need to fuel your energy," you replied.

"The chocolate muffin's for Beongyu, chocolate bar for Kai, puddings for Taehyun, breads for Soobin and banana for Yeonjun."

Yeonjun almost dropped his water bottle.

Everyone gets nice stuffs and he gets a banana?

The hell is this logic.

"Ooh thank you, y/n, I love puddings!"

"Wow, breads!" Soobin's eyes glistened when he saw them soft fluffy breads in the bag, "Thanks y/n!"

He happily took the breads but left one in the bag.

"Soobin, there's one more in the bag."

"That's for you, y/n. You've barely ate anything today. Eat up!" He said, smiling.

Holy mother of all breads.
Such kindness.

You were about to reach for the bread, planning to put it in a glass case, when another claw stretched its hand in and took out the bread.

"Hey, that's mine!" You said.

"You're my manager. You're supposed to take care of me," Yeonjun sneered.

"I'm hungry and I haven't ate anything since today morning."

"Well poopoo to that."

You attempted to jump at Yeonjun, hands outstretched, ready to choke him if necessary.

You were bready to fight.

Until he stuffed the bread into his armpits.

"Ha. Mine now," Yeonjun stuck his tongue out you.

You were at the brink of tears.

Now you're bready to die.

Pretty soon, they started their practice again and there was a knock at the door.

A delivery guy stood outside.

"I'm sorry but I didn't order food," you said.

"Well someone placed an order for you," the man replied, handing you the lunchbox, "I can't remember his name, Ronnie? Jonnie? Yawn?"

"Yeonjun?" You tried.

"Ah yes. That guy."

You thank the guy as he left.

You stared at the lunchbox in your hands.

How nice of him.

Your heart fluttered.

Eww no disgostang

You opened the lunchbox.

Inside the lunchbox were kimchi fried rice with an egg.

And a banana as desert,


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