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ava spent the entire day confused and unsure. paul could have just been trying to play a trick on her, or he could have been fully serious. but did this mean george loved her? or just liked her? ava sighed to herself as she walked down the stairs to leave her school. thats when, she bumped into jane and pattie.

"oh, ava! we were just wondering where you were! want to walk home with us?" jane invited, raising a brow.

"yeah, i didn't see you much today." pattie added, pouting her lips.

ava debated in her head for a few moments, before nodding her head.

jane and pattie did a small celebratory dance before they began to walk.

"so... i saw you walk outside the music room the other day after lunch." pattie brought up.

"yeah, and you walk with george harrison everyday." jane snarled.

ava furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"yeah?" she shamelessly admitted, oblivious as to why that was so bad to them.

they laughed between themselves.

"ava, he's a weirdo. i don't know why you would need to hang out with him, when you have us." she criticized.

"and jimmy, pete and stu! we're basically royalty to the school." pattie added on, sounding extremely pretentious.

ava bit her lip.

"there's nothing wrong with george. or any of the boys in the music room, for that fact. you guys are nice, and so are they." ava protested calmly.

jane shrugged her shoulders.

"hey, no ones judging you." she defended herself.

"yeah. it's alright, ava. george is probably a nice shag." pattie commented pervertedly, as if she wasn't making out with him the other day.

they all began to laugh.

"that's probably why ava's so in love with him." jane teased.

ava giggled before she made it to her house, waving at them as she entered her house. as she closed the door behind her, she realized something.

ava liked george.

you like me too much ↝ george harrison (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now