Chapter 2

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A/N I should probably mention that I haven't watch Naruto or KHR in a very long time - and that I technically never finished watching KHR (it's not that I didn't like it, I just had a lot going on at the time and haven't had the proper chance to get back into it).

THAT BEING SAID, I basically binge read the fanfics so that is what most of my knowledge will be based on, although I do make a point to fact check things that I'm uncertain of so it shouldn't be too far off.

Rant officially over! Please enjoy!


Madara didn't like Reborn. Or more specifically, he didn't like being followed - and by an infant at that!

But there was also the fact the brat just rubbed him the wrong way. Whatever reason he was here for, it wasn't just to bring up his grades. That much was obvious.

You see, only a few moments ago Reborn had attempted to leap onto the former shinobi's shoulder.

Needless to say, he dodged (much to the hitman's surprise) which lead to the rather interesting conversation that was taking place now.

"What are you doing here, infant?" Madara demanded, his eye twitching accompanied by a tone laced with venom.

Reborn hmphed in response, a smirk gracing his features

"I am your tutor. I can't teach you anything if I'm not around" said the hitman, walking on the fences beside the boy instead.

"I do not need a tutor" Retorted Madara. "Especially not an infant"

The hitman didn't respond, causing Madara's anger to flare momentarily. Then, as quickly as it came it evaporated into nonexistence, replaced by a small frown and a calculative, observatory gaze.

"Why are you really here?"

"Oh? What do you mean?"

It seems that the infant wanted to feign ignorance. He would have to be a bit more direct.

"What is your true motive, infant?"

The two had come to a standstill, a mini staring contest taking place for a moment before the hitman lowered his fedora, his smirk finally gone. It was in this moment that Madara had taken notice of the chameleon that stood atop Reborn's hat, idly wondering if the baby knew it was even there.

"It seems you are observant" began the hitman, his tone light but the undertone of seriousness ever present. "Good. That makes my job easier"

"And what exactly is your job, boy?"

At this, the hitman's smirk returned as he held a hand in front of his fedora, allowing his reptilian companion to climb its way onto his arm.

"My job" he began, "is to make you Vongola Decimo, Sawada Madara"

Silence took place as neither of the two said anything. Madara had raised an eyebrow, expecting the infant to elaborate, but it seems that he had to ask if he wanted to know anything.

Even the chameleon tilted his head, apparently expecting Madara to say something.

"I do not understand" he began, his tone curious, "What is this... Vongola Decimo you speak of. I have never heard of it before"

Unfazed, Reborn continued, his chameleon friend poking its tongue out for a second as if in approval. What a strange creature, Madara idly thought.

"Vongola Decimo is the tenth boss of the Vongola famiglia"

Madara's raised eyebrow seemed to be carved into his face, his arms now folded over his chest. He was growing tired of this waiting game - he wanted answers.

when the bad guy gets a third chance ( KHRxMadara )Where stories live. Discover now