Movie Night! (Chat Noir/Adrien X Reader)

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It was a peaceful night in the enchanting city of Paris

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It was a peaceful night in the enchanting city of Paris. The stars sparkled in the cloudless sky and the moon illuminated the wet streets below as you walked alone in the night. Peaceful nights like these were rare, especially with hawkmoth around, but luckily tonight is one of those nights where Paris finally gets a break.

At least you hoped.

Tonight is a very special night for you. Once a week you and your boyfriend Adrien spend quality time watching a movie together, and tonight you got to pick the movie.

As you walked the empty streets alone, you couldn't help but feel like you're being followed. You tucked in your lips and adjusted your backpack on your shoulders as you try to shake the unsettling feeling. You continued to walk in silence until you heard the light tapping of footsteps behind you. You glance over your shoulder to see if you're not being just paranoid. You desperately hopped that it's just your paranoia that's getting the best of you, but to your luck, it's not. Your eyes widened with fear once they landed on a tall, shadowy figure walking close behind you.

His bowed head lifted up when you laid your eyes on him, his eyes connecting to yours. You tried to make out his face, but the shadows kept it well hidden from your sight. Even though you couldn't see his face, you knew that something wasn't right with him. So you did what any logical human being would do in that situation.


Your fists gripped onto the straps of your backpack as you ran for dear life. Your feet carelessly splash through a large puddle, wetting the ankles of your pants throughly. Just when you ran out of the puddle, you heard someone else splash through it as well. You shot your head around to see that the shadowy figure is hot on your tail.

You gasp and try to pick up your pace. "HELP!" you cry in a shaky voice, but unfortunately there was no one around to hear your cries. Still, you desperately cried out for someone. "HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME PLEA-"

You were cut off when a gloved hand pressed against your mouth from behind. Another strong arm locked your arms in and pulled you close against their body. You squirmed around and screamed into his hand as he dragged you into an alley, pinning you up against a wall. You proceeded you scream for help, but ceased when the chilly touch of a metal blade was suddenly pressed up against your bare neck.

"SHUT IT!" the man demanded. "One more cry out of you and you're done for, toots."

A single tear slides down your cheek while your panicked breaths increase by the second. You squeeze your eyes shut and you felt his heavy body press up against yours. He leaned his face close to yours, his breath reeking with the smell of cigars.

"What's in the bag?" he asked in a rather demanding tone. Your lips shook as you try to produce words, but you hesitate to do so. "ANSWER ME!" he screamed in your ear, causing you to cry even more.

"N-nothing!" you quivered. "There's only a movie in there and that's it!"

The man growled, pressing the blade up against your neck even more. "LAIR!"

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