(17) Stick with you

Start from the beginning

I groaned loudly making people look at me weirdly. I rang the doorbell and jisung opened the door for me.

"Hyung! Theres a special delivery for you!" He smiled and left the door open.

"I didnt order anyt- oh its you. Come in." I looked away since he was shirtless he realises it and ran.

"Sit down." Jisung spoke "ill leave you two alone, ill be back in an hour. Dont do anything please." He looked grossed out.

"Just leave already." Minho spoke, he has a shirt on now.

"You dont tell me to leave, this is my house hyung. Bye noona." He left.

"So what brings you here so early? Do you need anything?" He didnt look at me and started to eat an apple.

"I need to apologize to you minho." He stopped eating. "I have to apologize for so many things,please listen to me carefully." I took a deep breath. "Im sorry for always pushing you away, im sorry for calling you lee know and for ignoring you. Sorry if i havent been a good girlfriend to you, im sorry that i dont let you do things that you want and Im so sorry because you struggled so much because of me. Im sorry that i yelled at you and for being angry at you. Im sorry for being irrational. Im sorry that i made you feel lonely, sorry for not opening up to you or telling you anything. Im sorry that i dont thank you enough, im sorry that you have to restrain yourself when youre with me. Im sorry if i never expressed that i love you. Im really really sorry." I didnt know that i was crying, minho was so shocked.

"I thought i was listening to super junior, Thats the first time i heard the word sorry in repeat." He sat beside me.

"Im sorry i cant even apologize properly." I wiped my tears.

"You always say sorry. You shouldve just thanked me instead." He smiled at me.

I looked into his eyes and i did it without thinking. I kissed him. He kissed me back. It was like magic.

"Thank you for everything minho." I smiled at him.

"Im not sure if ill get used in hearing you call me minho." He chuckled.

"Should i call you babe instead?"

"Dont do that." He hid his face.

"Dont do what babe?"

"Youre gonna kill me sowon." He turned his face away, i gave him peck on the cheek.

"I brought soup." I got up and showed him.

"This must be a dream? My girlfriend is being sweet to me." He gasped.

"Im trying to make it up to you."

"I already told you what to do if you feel guilty." He puckered his lips, i pushed it away.

"I already did that."

"But you have a lot to make up for." He leaned in.

"Stop it, where at jisung's house." I sat down.

"So youre saying we should do it at your place?" He sat beside me.

"Im gonna kill you if you dont shut up."

"i think i jinxed it. Youre already mean again." He pouted.

"You did, now eat."

He started to eat and i just watch him.

"Arent you going to eat?" I shaked my head.

"This is shameless of me to ask but... never mind just eat." He raised his eyebrow.

"Just ask me, i wont get mad. Ill try?"

Something Kinda Crazy: Lee Know ft. Bang Chan fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now