😍😍Link and Zelda😘😘

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(Link and Zelda have joined the chat)

Zelda: What is this?

Link: a thing...😊

Zelda: ok, I thought we went over that there would be no more chats!

Link: well no one's listening anyway, Revali already made a chat all about his tail feathers

Zelda: seriously?!

Link: yep

Zelda: wait, where is everyone? Usually at least I have Urbosa with me...

Link: I thought we could have a little...alone time...

Zelda: and do what? Karoake?

Link: precisely

Zelda: what? I was just joking!

Link: well, body karoake...😏

Zelda: ///wh-whats that supposed to mean?

Link: Mmmmm

Zelda: L-Link? What are you doing?!

Link: taking off my bandana


Link: why? It's not like my head is something that can't be seen

Zelda: no, it's not that...I just...I really like the bandana...😞

Link: really?😟😐

Zelda: *nods*

Link: well I suppose it can stay on for the body karoake...

Zelda: what is that, anyway...

Link: wow you've never danced before???

Zelda: d-dancing? oh...that's a lot better than what I was imagining *cringe*

Link: well if you really want to...

Zelda: oh, haha! No thanks! I'm oh look at this! I just remembered that uhhh Daruk needed me for something...gotta fly! Uh-go!

Link: Daruk? You never talk to Daruk!

Zelda: well, uh, last resort, I guess! Heh, bye!

(Zelda has disconnected)

Link: well that was disappointing

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