Bus rides

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Noen's POV

We were both lying on the floor not laughing anymore just laying there. When someone knocked on the door. Chase and eye had a stare off for who would go to the door. I won. I laughed victoriously till chase gave me his puppy eyes. I couldn't resist them. "Okay fine you big baby" i laughed. I got up and opened the door to see jaden. 

"The bus is getting ready to leave, yall ready" he looked past me to see chase lying on the floor with a goofy smile looking at me. "I can see chase is" he laughed before heading back down stairs leaving us to get ready. 

"Come on put on your shoes" 

"I dont wanna" chase whined. I laughed before throwing his shoes at him. He started fake crying where i had hit him. "Can you kiss it better" i laughed before kissing his knee and then he pointed to his forehead i kissed it. "One more" he pointed to his cheek and i kissed it before getting up.

"Hurry up or im leaving you" Chase ran out after me one shoe untied. 

"Let's go" i laughed his energy was contagious. Today we were driving to another state today so it was a 5 hour drive. We all had our own row but chase popped down next to me. I looked at him. "I need someone to annoy for the next five hours and i want a human pillow" 

"Wow thats all i mean to you" i asked feigning ignorance 

"Naw, your easy on the eyes too" he said with a smirk knowing it would make me blush

"Not because of my personality, wow your so rude" i started to climb across him to go sit some where else but he pulled me back so i was half in my seat half in his lap. My face turned redder as i tried to scramble back into my seat but he held me strong. 

"You didn't let me finish. I think your really hot but you also have an amazing personality and thats one of the reasons i sorta love you" chase's voice lost confidence toward the end of sentence.

Chase's POV

 What had i just said. Im such an idiot, he doesn't feel the same way. "Umm i mean" i loosened my grip on him. 

"Chase its fine, can we just please have this talk later maybe not in front of a bunch of people" his voice was calm but his face betrayed them. His cheeks were bright red and he was grinning. "Lets try and nap" i nodded. Noen rested his head on the window and fell asleep quickly. It was insane how quickly he could sleep. His legs where still on me and his position looked uncomfortable. I picked him up and held him in my arms as i repositiones us so i was lying the window and chair sharing my back. Noen lying on my chest, his legs in between mine. He was still snoring softly. I pecked him on the cheek remembering how he had kissed my this morning the urges i had to resist that involved me turning and kissing him fully. I was deep in thought. How could i have told him i love him. He wasn't ready for that. My phone buzzed.


You and noen are so cute


                                                                                                                            Oooooo is someone jealous




                                                                                                         Aww anthony not giving you attention

Is it that obvious


                                                                                                     I mean y'all weren't that discrete at movie                                                                                                                 night and i can see it everytime you look at                                                                                                               him.


I thought the snuggling meant he liked me                                                                                                                too but i guess not


                                                                                                       He looks at you like your his entire world, you                                                                                                          should confront him. Yall both like each other                                                                                                          and would be such a great couple.


Thanks, i owe you. Also i took a pic of you                                                                                                                   and noen. I'll send it to you later

Hey if you guys would mind voting on this story and commenting that would be amazing. It really means a lot. Its fine if not though

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