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Chase's POV

By the time the meet and greet had ended i was exhausted but still really wanted to talk to noen. And sort this whole thing out.

As we got on the bus i went to sit by noen but realized he was sitting anthony. He couldn't avoid me forever we roomed together. I knew he was avoiding me because he cared about me but it still hurt.  As soon as the bus ride ended i headed to grab a snack before going up to the room to corner noen. 

"Chase come on it's movie time in jaden and griff's room" noen dragged me into the room and plopped down next to me. So much for him avoiding me. We were watching a horror movie not my favorite thing but noen seemed really into it. Surprisingly since he was supposed to be a soft boy although after the choking i started to rethink that. We were watching the grudge which i thought was as scary asf but noen would laugh during the scary scenes which just confused me. 

Noen's POV

I loved horror movies i dont know why but i did. And as i was laughing during one of the scenes i looked over at chase he was shaking. No thoughts of anyone but him and the movie in my head so i put my arm around him. He looked over at me, startled.

"I can see that you not a big fan of horror movies" he nodded. Before hiding his face in my chest at the newest scream. I wouldn't have pegged him for hating horror movies. He was the "E-boy, the bad boy" turns out underneath all that he was a softie. Hopefully i would see more of his soft side. 

A few minutes later i felt a poke in my side. Chase pointed toward one of the beds. Jaden and anthony were snuggling. I started quietly laughing.

"Looks like you weren't the only one who was scared and needs a hug pretty boy". The nickname just slipped out before i could help it making me blush and turn away toward the movie. 

"Your not getting away that easy noen. You think im pretty" chase whispered in a teasing tone.

"Let's watch the movie" my face turning even more red.

"Okay, tomato" i glared at chase."What you look like a tomato, a cute one though" This made us both laugh before the glares from cynthia and her friends came. I started to pull chase out of my lap but he didn't budge. "Im not moving this movie is scary as shit and cynthia and i aren't dating anymore so its alright" I relented and let him hide his face in my chest for the next scene. Slowly his breaths began to even out and he fell asleep. 

Chase's POV

In my dream i was breaking up with cynthia again but this time was worse. I was just crying softly while she yelled at me blaming me for everything that went wrong in her life. "IM SORRY" i screamed falling to my knees as she started to threaten me about hurting noen. She started shaking me and thats when i woke up to see noen shaking me. His eyes were wide and he looked scared. 

"Chase are you okay. Im sorry i didn't mean to wake you but you were crying and screaming. Im really sorry" i cut him off pulling him in for a hug. He tensed for a moment before hugging back. I pulled him down onto the bed with me. He started to get up.

"Please" he sat back down and took in my face the tears still streaming. I normally wasn't one who needed comfort but right now i did. He lied down next to me and wrapped his arms around me. I decided to try and lighten the mood. "Can i be the big spoon. He nodded before curling up and cuddling me. 

I woke up around 9 pm noen sprawled across me his head on my chest. I started to laugh before grabbing my phone and going on instagram. I saw that the #choen was becoming a thing and started liking some edits. They were pretty good actually, i went on a choen tea account. One of the posts caught my attention as a scrolled through. It was the tik tok of noen and i about to kiss and then we got the slushies. The caption talked about how it looked like noen would have kissed me if i hadn't brought up the slushy the more i watched it the more i started to see it. But noen couldn't like me. I mean he did comfort me all time and seemed to have a special grin just for me. He opened up to me and always helped me. I loved him but he couldnt love me back. Could he?

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