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Noen's POV

The bad dreams i had seemed to die down when i was around chase. But they still happened. Thinking about my past, how much i had ruined other peoples lives. My mind went back to the day where it happened where he found out. She came to me blamed it all on me. It was true it was my fault i knew it was wrong. "Im sorry, i hate myself too. I didn't mean for this to happen. Im so sorry. Its all my fault." I opened my eyes suddenly to see chases worried face looking down on me. 

I looked down embarrased he caught me like this. Sure, i had opened up to him but i didn't want to seem vulnerable. He grabbed my chin in his hand and made me look at him. "Noen, im not judging you for anything that happened in your past and no one else will. Its okay to open up to feel vulnerable we all need to. Now come on lets go get food im starving i havent eaten since before the movie and its already nine pm" 

"Do we have to, we could just order post mates" i really didn't want to go out and face people and hoped chase could understand that. 

"Of course" he smiled at me.

"What else do you wanna do, maybe watch a movie, or something else whatever you want" we had order taco bell

"I guess we could watch a movie if you are willing to snuggle with me and not a horror movie" chase gave me his signature grin as i turned bright red.

"Is your goal to make a tomato for the entire trip" i asked.

"Maybe, your a cute tomato but answer the question"

"Okay fine. But i wanna be the little spoon" i realized chase was flirting with me and i was flirting back but fuck it i was gonna enjoy my time with him he made me feel special made me feel worth it.Chase jumped back onto the bed next to me

"Come here" he suggestively winked making us both crack up. All thoughts of my dream gone.

"Chase i have to go grab our post mates first" he huffed and pouted. "I'll only be a minute you will be fine and besides after you will get taco bell. As i stood in the elevator waiting for it to reach the first floor i could only think about chase. And how he made me feel. He made me feel loved like i wanted him to feel because i loved him. As i thought more about it i realized i did love him more than i had loved anyone else. Even my own family, well i mean i didnt really love them that much anyway but besides that. The elevator had stopped and i got out grabbing the post mates before going back up the elevator. Luckily i was stuck in the elevator with cynthia as it went up. She was probably glaring at me but i honestly didn't care i was to busy thinking about chase. Then it struck me, i had hurt her had broken up their relationship. No matter what chase said i was the cause. I was falling in love again it wasn't any different because it was a guy nothing could change it. As soon as it reach my floor i walked out ignoring cynthia's taunts that were finally starting to reach me. I had to be a good friend but nothing more. He was happy and i was glad for that. I was gonna keep it that way but i wasn't going to keep flirting no matter how much i wanted too.

Chase's POV

As soon as Noen walked through the door i knew something was wrong the little grin he always had on around me was gone. "Noen are you okay?" He nodded giving me a fake grin and hands me the taco bell before plopping down on the other bed. "woah, noen that wasn't part of our agreement"i said patting the spot next to me. He smiled at me before realizing he was and trying to make all emotion on his face disappear. He sat down next to me and i put my arm around him. He subconsciously leaned into me and let out a little sign. I guess i wasn't the only one who craved the other affection.

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