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Chase's POV

I walked into the room to see noen asleep. He was so cute snuggling with a stuffy. I didn't want to wake him up but i needed his comfort. He wouldn't judge me, try to make me talk he would just hold me. I crawled onto his bed and put my head on his chest. His eyes opened making contact with my red puffy ones. He didnt question anything, just opened his arms and wrapped them around me. I fell asleep the pain dulled by noen.

Cynthia's POV(again im sorry if i make her seem rude or mean its all for the story)

It was 1 am and i couldn't sleep. I was walking to chase's room hoping he would have come to his senses and apologize and we could cuddle. His door was slightly opened so after no answer to my knocking i walked in. He was in noen's arms and they were cuddling. Without thinking i started yelling.

"YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST INSULT ME AND THEN GO FUCK ANOTHER GUY. THATS NO FAIR. YOU WERE MINE" I woke noen up. He looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, i really am. It isn't what it looks like. But i don't want chase to wake up so can you please go".

This guy thought he could just walk in here and steal chase. No he was mine. "This isn't the end i going to make your life hell" I stormed out of the room.

Noen's POV

What was i doing. I was fucking up another relationship. It was my fault, i was a fuck up. I got up and went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Sobbing quietly. I couldn't fall for him. I wasn't going to love another person in a relationship. I wasn't going to hurt another person for my own feelings. Because there was more to the story more than i told chase. The boyfriend had found out. He had relied on her to survive rehab. He fell back into his old habits. And now he was back in rehab everything worse than before and i was here on tour. Having a good fucking time after ruining someone's life. I heard knocking on the door too caught up in my thoughts to answer it. 

"Noen let me fucking in" chase was screaming "I've been knocking for five minutes, are you okay?"

"Im alright" i whimpered.

"Thats a fucking lie so let me in, before people start gathering from my screaming" I opened the door slowly not wanting him to see my face. 

Chase's POV

I was so scared. I had friends back home who cut and i didnt want noen to be one. I saw the pain they were in and i couldnt afford to lose him. I looked all over him not seeing anything but i looked into his eyes and saw how red they were. Saw the razor next to him. Nothing had happened yet. "Noen" 

"Im sorry i can't do this. I don't want to fuck up your relationship"

I grabbed noens chin made him look at me. "Noen, cynthia and i had a bad relationship it was mostly for clout, we don't really love eachother that much anyway. You didn't do anything to our relationship."

He slowly stopped crying. "Jeez'us i have cried so many times on this trip" he chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. I just hugged him. 

"Come on lets go join everyone for the the next  meet and greet, i want breakfast"

"Wow, you are souly focused on food arent you?" noen took my attempt to lighten the mood and went with it. 

"I mean yeah i am" We got dressed and went to breakfast.

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