"Then plane it is." Freya finished happily, standing up and pushing her chair in.

The waiter walked by and Ace fished a few dollars from his pocket, handing it to the waiter. The waiter, satisfied, walked away.

Axel joined the three as they all walked outside, into the darkness of night. Walking through the dark, staying close to each other because the street lights were damaged, the four made their way down the street. Roger fell in step with Ace and they began talking so Freya fell back with Axel.

Freya looked over at him, seeing him staring at the ground, remarkable green eyes darker in the shadows of the dark. Freya frowned, noticing that recently he had been distracted. Maybe she should ask him, after all, he had asked her.

"Axel..." He turned to Freya at the sound of her voice, focusing on her, "Are you okay?"

Axel blinked, and Freya could see him smiling as he replied, "Yes. Just tired."

She nodded, "I understand." She fixed her gaze in front of them, following Ace and Roger as they turned down a street. Freya looked around, hoping that her bag with all of her clothes and belongings she had brought was still safe with the rental barn. Luckily the owner had allowed her to rent out a small locker for it. They were going to have to get it back before flying to Germany. Germany.

Frey thought about it. She was going to fly overseas to Germany. The thought made her a little homesick, but she knew that it would help Axel, and that was her goal. Her father would be proud of her, she knew that for fact. He would've helped anyone who was in nee of it. But then the memory of pain in Pastor Evans eyes returned to her mind and she wondered if he would have been upset too. Was all of this too much for someone like her?

Axel nudged her and she looked up. Ace was walking backward, looking at her in curiosity. Roger looked over his shoulder, eyebrows raised.

"W-what?" Freya blinked, snapping her head up and wondering if she had missed a question.

Ace chuckled, "Deep in thought?" Freya nodded. Ace smiled, continuing, "So, how old are you? You look young."

Freya decided to take that as a complement as she replied, "17."

"Hm. Do your parents know your helping these two out?"

Freya smiled kindly, "No. My mother passed when I was younger and my father died fighting in Germany, so I'm-"

Ace stopped walking, interrupting Freya, "Wait, your father was killed in Germany? Then why are you helping him?" Ace pointed to Axel, then added, "I don't believe in love at first sight, but you do you if that's-"

Freya's cheeks warmed. "Um, no. I'm helping him because even if he is the enemy, we are all humans. I couldn't just let him die." She looked over at Axel, who smiled warmly at her.

"Huh." Ace paused, brushing his dirty blond waves off his forehead before turning back around, continuing to talk with Roger.

They turned down a street and walked a little further until they reached a separate building, stairs leading up to it. Ace led the way inside, leading them into an empty hallway. The sounds of chuckling and yelling could be heard farther down the hall.

"Please don't get involved with the other men here. Most of them are all idiots." Ace smiled warmly as a young man walked past, stopping to salute the pilot as he raised his arm in return.

Freya followed them all down the hall and to a bunch of doorways, names inscribed above each one. She figured that these were the barracks that most of the soldiers stayed at. Ace opened the door to an empty one, revealing two bunk beds and a dresser.

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