Welcome to Capital

Start from the beginning

"Okay let's go!" I said in a fake enthusiastic tone. Ouch! my head. I rubbed the middle part of my forehead.

Before heading out I heard Aarushi saying to Rahul 'give her one glass of tea. Now go' ahhh she is seriously my life saver.

"Take care you guys. Call me when you reach okay!" Aarushi said while giving me hug.

"Sure!" I told her. 

We both went down only to see was Aditya dozing off on the steering wheel. Is he going to drive us? Hell, I will just walk. Rahul took my suitcase and went to put in the back side of the car. I went near driver side of window and pressed the horn of the car.

"FUCK!!!!! Trisha what the hell" he jolted from his seat and shouted at me.

I smacked his head and giving him my toothy grin. Aditya than smacked my head and after that I hit him on his arm and he did too. This went on for a quite while. We were basically hitting and yelling 'ouch' when somebody got hit.

"ooh hello! we have plane to catch Chalo !" Rahul said.

"what took you so long?" Aditya asked while putting the car in the 2nd gear.

"Ask this clumsy" Rahul said with the frown on his face.

What is with him and my pet name? Well because you also gave him one. My inner voice mocked me. Whatever I replied back. After an hour we reached Airport. Said good bye to Aditya and were in the line for checking. Between all this my headache was getting worse and to top this Rahul for whatsoever reason was irritating the hell out of me. At one point he was like you seat here no no wait here. I will take the luggage you carry this and going on and on and on. Something happened when we entered the airport. Well I just wanted to sleep and get rid of my headache.

We went in. While showing my ticket to one of the flight attendant I stumbled upon the carpet. If not for her holding my hand I would have landed flat on my face. I said thank you to her and went ahead. Thank God Rahul didn't saw it.

I sat on the window side and Rahul sat on my other side. Well flight was 3 in the morning so I thought there would be less passengers but no, the flight was packed and to top it there were crying babies too. Great just great.

While with all the noise Rahul couldn't keep his mouth shut. He kept on blabbing about the seat covers, how little space is there to keep the luggage or to stretch out the legs, or how babies shouldn't be allowed to travel if they are crying and what not. I just wanted to yank his hairs and tell him to shut up.

The flight started to take off and I looked at Rahul he had shut his eyes tight, his forehead and neck was covered in sweat and he had clutched the hand rest so tight that his knuckles had turned red. That's when I realized, he is a nervous flyer. I wanted to laugh but that would be mean. So, I took his hand in my hand and squeezed it a little and gave him a small smile. He smiled too. After a while he said thank you. I looked at him he was wiping his sweat buds from his forehead. At this point I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

"shut up okay! Everyone is afraid of something"

"Right!" I said still laughing.

"Want to watch something?" he asked me.

"Okay sure"

Out of all the things we could have watched we settled on watching MasterChef.

"well I can cook this too." Rahul said with pride.

"Of course you can nervous flyer"

"shut up okay! If you were in the MasterChef you could have made this dish too you know"

"well Thank you !" I said while being a little surprise

"But when the time comes to go near the judge table to show your dish, I bet clumsy you would have fallen down with food all over you." He said while laughing

"That's so mean! And hey I am not that clumsy. Plus, stop calling me clumsy" I crossed my arms

"You stumbled on the same chair twice and while entering you tripped upon on the carpet. Yes, I saw you."

I opened my mouth to say something but shut it and rolled my eyes and started to look outside window.

"okay sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you. It was supposed to be a joke and also, you call me Spoiler now tell me how is that a fair?" he said while giving me puppy eyes.

Oh my God he looked so adorable. Focus Trisha! I shook my head to remove the unwanted thoughts. I gave him huge smile and then took a magazine rolled it up and started hitting him on his head

"you should be sorry Mr. Spoiler." I said and laughed. I instantly regretted my action because he was now tickling me.

"Stop... stop.. stop ..! Sorry" I said between the laughs.

That's when I realized half of the passengers were watching us and the Uncle who was sitting in front of us shushed us. What! Tell your babies to stop crying. I yelled in my head. We both mutter sorry to him and when we looked at each other we both laughed silently.

After two hours we reached Delhi airport. We hired a taxi. Rahul gave the address of his house. The view was really beautiful. Morning cool air was tickling my face. It was refreshing. The sunrise looked so beautiful. The birds were chirping and some people were out for jogging.

"This is my school. This was the playground where we used to play as kids. This was only theatre where we used to watch movies after the exams." Rahul said enthusiastically.

He kept on talking about his childhood memories and showed me different places. He was being so nostalgic. He has been in Mumbai for almost a year now. I bet he misses this place.

Taxi came to halt and  I stepped outside. It was nothing like when I was here the last time. Everything looked so beautiful. It was now more modernish. The Houses were duplex and each one had a terrace and front yard.

"There you are!" I turned behind to look. It was Rahul's mom. She looked a little bit older from what I remember. I bend down and touched her feet for blessings. She hugged me and patted my back.

"Ahh! Trisha it's been years. You look beautiful dear." She said to me and hugged me.

She then turned to Rahul. She pinched his cheeks and ruffled his hairs "you look so thin. Don't you eat"?

I laughed. It reminded me of my mom. Well maybe this is a national dialogue of all Indian mothers. We then went inside. The house was just like I remember. It had a big living room and an open kitchen. To the right there was a staircase which lead to rooms. It was beautiful and all the old memories of my childhood came running.

Aunty showed me my room. I texted Aarushi that we reached safely. After taking a hot shower and changing myself in comfortable clothes I drifted to sleep.

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