Not Again !

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"Did we reach?" I asked.

I was in the car with nothing to do and see as I was blindfolded. "Honey few more minutes" replied a soft voice. After a few minutes car came to halt and I heard car door open and close. My heart started to pound as I heard passenger side of the door open.

The person took my hand in their soft hand which caused shiver run down my spine. who is this mystery man?. He guided me through some soft path. It felt like I was walking on soft grass. With each step I took curiosity kept increasing. He let go off my hand and opened my blindfold. My jaw dropped when I saw the breath-taking view in front of me. We were standing on what seems to look like a small cliff. Beneath us the city was glowing in the lights, above us millions of stars were shinning, and night cold air was tickling.

"Do you like it?" He whispered in my ear, causing goosebumps all over my body. He hugged me from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder. His hands rested on my waist.

"It's beautiful" I replied. Slowly turning to see his face. I was confused because I couldn't see anyone. I heard someone calling me.


I looked everywhere but there was no one. Once again I heard someone calling me.


It was Aarushi's voice, but where is she?. I kept looking around but still I didn't find anyone.

"Wake up TRISHA... "

Just like that I woke up from my beautiful dream without seeing my mystery man. "TRISHA!!! "

"Uggggghhhhhhh stop it!. You just woke me up from the beautiful dream. I was about to see the face of my mystery man, but I didn't because of you" I snapped and buried my head inside my pillow.

"You can see your mystery man later, Don't you have to go to work??"

"Shit!! Shit!!"

"Aarushi why didn't you wake me up??" I asked her horror clear on my face.

"I am trying to wake you up since past half an hour but you were too busy with your mystery man!!Not my fault!!" she shrugged.

"Uggggghhhhh No! not again" I groaned loudly. I rushed into bathroom. I took a quick shower in history of quick shower. I hurriedly put my jeans and shirt on and tied my hair in ponytail, last look in the mirror and I was out in living room. Grabbing my bag in one hand and strapping my sandals with other I stumbled upon the chair. Cursing to myself I somehow made out of the house.

I checked the time 15 minutes to 10 shit!! I can't reach at time Gautam is going to kill me. Gautam he is my boss. Well he is not bossy type boss but he is strict in timings.

"TAXI"!! I yelled

5 minutes to 10 shit! Shit!.

Finally, I reached my office. Paid off the driver and ran towards the lobby of my office. I tried to catch the lift but as todays day was going I was bound to miss it and so it did. I waited few seconds but lift was heading up to 5th floor so I thought the next best thing to do, Run!

I took deep breath. 1... 2... 3... 1st floor run Trisha run.... 2nd floor one more to go you can do it Trisha.... and finally 3rd floor. I was in hallway running towards my cabin when I heard

"whoa their lady version of Usain bolt! Slow down Gautam is not in the office yet he said he will be late"

Those words made me stop in my tracks. Those were the best words I have heard since this morning. I collapsed in one of the chair in the lobby trying to grasp some air. Lucky I didn't tripped on my way. That was Karan my colleague/friend/and great listener. He gave me a glass of water and I drank it in one gulp.

"Okay now can you tell me why were you running?" Karan asked

"Ooh about that, I was thinking of participating in Olympics this year so I was just practicing!"

He just rolled his eyes and chuckled. I gave him a wink and went in my cabin.


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