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"Are you okay though?" Wanda asked as she noticed the thunder god staring into the distance deep in thought "I mean, she's your friend." 

"Was my friend." He said in an instance as he spared a pained smile "I should have renounced her a long time ago."

The sorceress couldn't help but feel pity, he was too mad to admit that deep inside he actually missed her "It's fine to forgive her you know, Loki would understand."

"Loki has done nothing but understand me and all my errors, It's time I do the same for him. What she has done is unforgivable, those words had struck me too, not just my brother, especially after he literally died." 

Wanda tilted her head to the side, he did make a point, that kind of experience is traumatizing and talking about it can make you go mad, she felt the same with Pietro and she's still on her way to overcome it. She gave him a pat on the back as a sign of comfort which he acknowledged, right now he was lucky to have friends and the Avengers. 

The door slid open and out came the god of mischief with a blank face on, his face clearly screaming for more sleep but has no choice but to wake up anyway. Loki stored all the things he needed in his pocket dimension so it mattered little.

"I suppose we are ready?" Loki asked in which Thor nodded

The younger Odinson stepped beside Wanda and grabbed her bags before storing it in his pocket dimension along with his other things "Let's face it, I'll end up holding those for you anyway."

Wanda chuckled and nodded while the prince flashed a grin "Thank you." 

"Off to the tower now then?"Thor asked as the two magic users nodded 

Loki held both of their arms and in a flash they were standing on the helipad of the Avengers Tower, back where Thor and Loki fought in the battle of New York, the memories just slammed in his face and he couldn't help but look around, there have been some modifications, it has grown modern and advanced than the last time he was here, they walked in as the mirrors opened automatically for them.

Tony and the others waited warmly inside the living room of the tower as if welcoming them, the billionaire opened his arms wide as Thor smiled widely and gave his companion a hug before moving to shake hands with the others. Loki looked around the tower and saw the bar still intact, he remembered having a conversation with Stark at this very same place years ago, it ended up with him throwing the philanthropist right through that mirror over there, he smirked as he found it hilarious, though he hoped he doesn't have to throw him out again.

Wanda walked around and gave her teammates a warm hug which they all appreciated, it's been some days since they last saw each other anyway so it made sense. Loki just stood there staring into space, not bothering to make eye contact with anyone because why would he, after all, they're Thor's friends not his. 

"Ah, and of course the new addition to the team," The thunderer said and draped his muscular arms around his brother's shoulders giving it a slight squeeze as if to catch his attention that seemed to be wandering off, "Loki agreed to be a part of the Avengers! Isn't that right, brother?" 

The younger god flashed a fake smile and sighed "I believe so, Thor."

"Well just so you know, there are no remaining hard feelings here and we also held a press conference earlier this week and cleared your name." 

The Sun Will Shine ➸ LOKI Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt