Blaise rolls his eyes. "Like that matters, Merlin knows you fly better than everyone."

Theo leans closer to our group. "It might just be hopeful thinking but I think Potter and Weasley got expelled."

We all turn to their table and our smiles could have blinded the worried looking Granger. "Now, that's delightful."


It really was hopeful thinking.

The next day the two bumbling idiots were sitting at the Gryffindor table looking wretched. Draco was seething saying that if it were any of us we would have been expelled without question.

His anger was interrupted by the mail.

I received a letter from my Grandfather who wished me luck that he said I didn't need for the upcoming tryouts.

Draco received a package of sweets that he passed to me wordlessly. Greg wrestled with Blaise trying to get to the sweets.

We were all brought out of our mail by a piercing scream coming from the Gryffindor table.

"Merlin, is that a Howler?" Draco asked a snake like smile appearing on his face.

It was.

If Weasley wasn't such an arse, I would have felt bad for him because that was terrible. The entire Slytherin table bursts out laughing pointing their finger at the red head.


"What is that?" I ask baffled staring at Weasley's wand which was taped together.

Weasley turns as red as his hair. "None of your damn business, Emrys."

"You're such a hazard Weasley." Theo comments wrinkling his nose at the wand as if it was dung. "Do us all a favor and buy a new wand."

Draco's grin widens in delight at Weasley's humiliation. "He can't afford a new one."

"Don't worry, Weasley. My family is having a charity event for under privileged children next month. I'll see if we can add your name." Daphne chimes in not even bothering to look at Weasley as she inspected her prefect nails.

Weasley's face contorts angrily and before we know it he launches himself at Daphne. Potter intervenes by grabbing onto his robes yanking him back.

Theo looked murderous pulling Daphne behind him. "Touch any of our girls again, it'll be the last thing you'll do."

"What are you gonna do? Kill me? Filthy Death Eater!" Weasley howls face turning purple with anger.

"Yes." Draco simply replies looking serious with his eyes cold and dangerous.

We had Defense Against the Dark Arts today and I was dreading it. Just when I thought the new Professor couldn't be as bad as the stuttering fool from last year, the man that posed like he thought he was Blaise Zabini was apparently our DADA Professor.

Granger was having a blast sending the fool of a Professor loving glances. It was disgusting.

I wanted to learn combative magic not what Professor Lockhart's favorite color was.

"What a joke." I sneer from my seat beside Draco who looked bored with his arm around the back of my seat.

"I'm surprised you're not interested. Every girl seems to be." He drawls licking his tongue.

I turn up my nose in a way that would make Narcissa Malfoy proud. "Not me."

Professor Lockhart was suddenly in front of me. "Kallista Emrys, as I live and breath. The last remaining bloodline to Merlin himself."

The way he was looking at me was making me feel very uncomfortable. I lean back on my seat trying to put as much distance as I could between us.

"I've heard so much about you from the other Professors- they speak highly of you. Top of your class in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Transfiguration and even Potions. Maybe we could get together and write a biography." He says eagerly leaning closer to me.

I could feel Draco's grip on my seat tighten. "No offense Professor Lockhart but biographies and photoshoots are more of Potter's expertise. He is after all a celebrity."

"Ah, yes, doesn't shy away from a camera does he?" Professor Lockhart says matter of factly not knowing the effect it had on the boy in question who was blushing furiously as the whole class laughs at him.

The lesson today was all about pixies. Harmless most of the time but devilish and naughty little creatures.

Professor Lockhart immediately runs out the moment it got particularly messy. Draco and Greg rush to my side swatting away Pixies for me. Daphne screams from her seat while Vince was currently trying to pull a pixie from her hair. Theo and Blaise were busy battling away their own horde of tiny blue Pixies with their books.

Grunting, I thrust my wand up in the air and cast a spell. "Immobulus!"

It successfully stops the movement of all the Pixies and we all breath a sigh of relief.

"Marvelous, Miss Emrys. Ten points to Slytherin." Professor Lockhart says from the door still looking panicked.

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