Chapter 6 - He's Gone?!

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At 6am I was already jumping on the bed.

Jesse: "Come on guys! Wake up!"

They all woke up startled.

Lukas: "Cookie! Stop!"

Axel: "Were you having a nightmare about my cookie story?"

Lukas: "No!"

Jesse: "Come on guys! We gotta go get Reuben!"

Olivia: "All right then Jesse."

Jesse: "Yay!"

They all got up and we got ready.

Jesse: "Axel, You got the cookie?"

Axel: "Sure do!"

Jesse: "Then let's go!"

I ran out the door.

Olivia: "Jesse! Wait for us!"

They started running after me.

Petra: "She's not going to stop."

Axel: "I don't blame her."

We ran all the way to the vet. I arrived there a few minutes before the others. When my friends arrived, they saw the vet surrounded by police tape and me sitting on the curb with my head buried in my arms.

Olivia: "What's going on?!"

Lukas: "Look there's a policeman there! Let's go ask."

They ran to the police. The first thing he says is...

Policeman: "Please step back!"

Lukas: "But our friend's pig is in there!"

Policeman: "Oh. Is that your friend over there?"

He pointed at me.

Lukas, Petra, Olivia & Axel: "Yes."

Policeman: "I'm afraid that the pig is no longer in there."

Lukas, Petra, Axel, Olivia: "WHAT?!"

Olivia: "Where is he?"

Policeman: "That is what we intend to find out. After we solve a few murder cases and some bank robberies."

Axel: "What are you saying?!"

Policeman: "Your friend's pig has been taken."

Petra: "Who took him?!"

Policeman: "That's for me to know and you to find out."

He chuckled. Axel scowled at him.

Petra: "You better tell us or I'm going set our friend, Axel, here loose on you!"

Policeman: "Ok Ok! A strange fellow by the name of Hadrian took him. And not just your friend's pig. He took all the animals in there. Including a very peculiar Llama."

Lukas, Petra, Olivia & Axel: "Lluna?!"

Suddenly we saw Stella running up to the vet and she looks mad. Really mad!

Petra: "Now you're in for it!"

The policeman gulped. We stepped to the side. One thing you should know about Stella is that you must NEVER stand between her and what she wants. And at this moment, that policeman is standing between her and Lluna.

Stella: "Where's my Lluna?!"

Policeman: "The llama?"

They left the policeman to fend for himself and my friend's ran over to me.

Axel: "Jesse?"

I kept my head buried with my eyes full of tears.

Jesse: "Reuben's gone. This is all my fault."

My friends all hugged me.

Olivia: "Jesse, this is not your fault!"

Lukas: "It's mine."

I looked up.

Jesse: "What?"

Lukas: "This is my fault. Petra's right. I never should have told you that story. This is all my fault!"

Lukas went away. I got up and ran after him.

Jesse: "Lukas!"

He turned around. I hugged him tightly.

Jesse: "There you go again."

Lukas: "Huh?"

Jesse: "You're blaming yourself again."

Lukas hugged me back.

Lukas: "I don't know how, but that stupid story has come true. Now Reuben's gone."

He stopped hugging me and backed away.

Lukas: "I'm sorry Jesse. There is nothing you can say. This is all my fault."

He walked away.

Jesse: "Lukas!"

Lukas: "Good bye, Jesse."

Jesse: "Lukas."

Tears were streaming down my face. I lost Reuben. Now I may have lost Lukas too. The others came back to me.

Olivia: "Just give him some space, Jesse."

Petra: "He'll snap out of it eventually."

They hugged me.

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