Chapter 5 - Rufus and the Evil Doctor

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It's 6pm and our sleepover officially starts now. We had a really fun time. My friends did a really good job at making me happy and keeping me occupied. Then we got to scary story time...

We had just finished having a pillow fight. It ended with us all lying on the bed and we couldn't stop laughing!

Axel: "See! I told you we'd have fun tonight!"

Olivia: "We definitely need to do this more often!"

Jesse: "Yeah. That was pretty fun."

Lukas: "Pretty fun?"

Jesse: "Ok it was really fun."

We all laughed.

Petra: "What should we do now?"

Lukas looked at me with his little evil smile.

Lukas: "Tickle Fight!"

I giggled as he tickled me.

Jesse: "No! Lukas! Not the tickling!"

We all laughed. He stopped and I hugged him.

Olivia: "I know! Let's tell spooky stories!"

Jesse: "Yeah! I'll go first."

We all told our scary stories. I told 'The Vindow Viper.' Petra told 'The Creepy Clown Statue.' Olivia told 'The Haunted Bookshelf.' Axel told 'The Evil Cookie.' Then Lukas told his story and it made me think about Dr Hadrian in a whole other way. He told the story about 'Rufus and the Evil Doctor'...

Lukas: "One dark night, A boy took his pet dog, Rufus to the vet. The doctor told the boy that he had to keep Rufus at the vet for a while and the boy could go home and come back later. So the boy left Rufus at the vet. But what the boy didn't know was that the doctor was EVIL! The doctor took Rufus to his secret layer and what he planned to do was so horrible. He planned to... make dog meat!!!"

I hid my face behind a pillow.

Jesse: "No! Reuben!"

Petra: "Nice one, Lukas!"

Lukas: "Oops."

Lukas hugged me.

Lukas: "Jesse. Don't worry. It's only a story. Reuben is going to be fine."

Axel: "Yeah. He's in safe hands."

Olivia: "And he'll be all better in the morning."

Jesse: "Ok."

Petra: "We're here to have fun! Remember?"

Jesse: "Yeah."

We all yawned.

Order of the Pig: "Bed time."

At around 3am I woke up from a nightmare.

Jesse: "Reuben!"

Petra woke up.

Petra: "Jesse? What's wrong?"

Jesse: "I had a nightmare. Reuben was bacon."

Petra scowled at the still sleeping Lukas.

Petra: "Wake up, Lukas!"

Lukas woke up startled.

Lukas: "Don't eat me, Cookie!"

We just stared at him, confused.

Lukas: "What?"

Petra: "Were you having a nightmare about Axel's cookie story?"

Lukas: "No! Why did you wake me up?"

Petra: "Jesse had a nightmare. About you're story!"

Lukas hugged me.

Lukas: "I'm so sorry, Jesse."

Jesse: "It's not you, Lukas. It's Reuben. I've been worrying about him this whole time. I just haven't shown it."

Lukas: "We'll go get Reuben in the morning and all of this will be over."

Petra: "Yeah. We can go back to having worry free sleepovers."

Lukas: "Remember. It's just a story. Reuben is a strong little pig. He's going to be perfectly fine. Let's go back to sleep."

We went back to sleep. Ready to go get Reuben in the morning.

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