Chapter 2 - Capture the Pig

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It's morning and time for Reuben's appointment. But I can't find him anywhere.

Jesse: "Reuben?! Reuben, Where are you?!"

Suddenly I hear a knock at the door. I went and opened it and at the door was our friends.

Lukas, Petra, Olivia & Axel: "Hi Jesse!"

Jesse: "Hey guys! Thank goodness you're here. Reuben's hiding and I can't find him anywhere. Can you help me look?"

Lukas: "Of course we will. Let's go!"

We all came in and started searching. It took a few minutes before we heard

Axel: "Guys, I found him!"

He was under my bed and was refusing to come out.

Jesse: "Come on, Reuben! We're going to be late!"

Reuben shook his head. I stood up and lead the other's out of my bedroom.

Jesse: "We need to think of a plan..."

We came up with something.

Jesse: "... And then we can finally go. Now let's do this!"

There are only 3 ways out of my bedroom. 2 windows and the door. Axel lifted up my bed

Axel: "Come on, Reuben! You have an appointment!"

Reuben squealed and tried to make a run for the 1st window. Lukas jumped in front of the window.

Lukas: "Not this way, buddy!"

Reuben had to think fast as he ran to the 2nd window. But Petra jumped in front of that one.

Petra: "Try again, Reuben!"

Then Reuben ran strait to the door. Olivia jumped out in front of him.

Olivia: "You're not getting out of this, Reuben."

Axel, Lukas and Petra were all sneaking up behind him. With Olivia still guarding the door. Reuben knew just what to do. Before Olivia could act, Reuben ran straight through her legs and out the door.

Olivia: "Smart pig."

What Reuben didn't know was that I was standing just outside the door. I quickly grabbed him.

Jesse: "Gotcha!"

Reuben was still trying to get away.

Jesse: "Reuben, stop squirming!"

I held him close so he could listen to my heart beat. He settled down a bit.

Jesse: "I know you are scared, Reuben. But you need to be brave. We will be right there with you. I will not leave your side. I promise."

Reuben stopped squirming completely.

Petra: "Nice one, Jesse."

They were all out of breath.

Jesse: "Thanks for helping me, guys."

Axel: "Any time."

Jesse: "Let's go. It will be over before you know it, Reuben."

The Order of the Pig Story 2: Friends Don't Quit!Where stories live. Discover now