Start from the beginning

"O-okay... uhm... thanks by the way for letting me informed. That way I can also inform whoever asks about him over the phone that he'll never be here in the office today."

"I'm Sorry Liz..."

She got confused. What is he sorry for? He didn't do anything.

"Excuse me but sorry for what Lorenz?"

"Sorry for my cousin. I mean he must have been the one to inform you but I think he is really in a very important business errand. Actually, I have no idea. As soon as we landed at the airport he just asked me to call you and he said he has something to take care of that didn't need my presence so we parted separately."

"No worries Lorenz. I think I could get used to him. It's funny though, I have been working as his PA for almost a week and still I haven't seen him. But I guess I won't mind as long as I am being well compensated in my position."

"That is right! So how about seeing you tonight? You'll be at the party, right?"

"Yes, of course. I will be there. I cannot say no to the Andersons."

"So... that means I can have a dance from you since I do have a blood of the Andersons. You cannot say no to me."

She rolled her eyes as she can imagine that Lorenz was laughing silently at the other end.

"What can I say? I gave my words. So that would definitely mean yes. Well, see you tonight at the party."

Lorenz ended the call with an evident laughter of triumph. She thought that the guy was really funny to be with. How she hoped that his cousin had the same personality like his in person.

After the office hour, Elizabeth went to the meeting place where she and Abigail had decided to meet.

"Hey Liz! You have no idea how much I wanted to bring you to some boutique I know. They have fabulous dresses for night parties. I am so eager to see what you will be wearing tonight."

Abigail said with a loud and obvious excitement after giving her a tight hug in front of a snack bar. Elizabeth rolled her eyes upon hearing her friend's commence. She exactly knew what will come next. This isn't the first time Abi tagged her along for a dress shopping.

"Yeah, really Abi? Well, it is not so obvious."

Abigail recognized her sarcastic joke so she pinched her childishly and laughed. And soon they left the place to start the dress odyssey.


"Abigail!! Aren't we exaggerating enough? We have been searching for the appropriate one and have been roaming around three boutiques for three long hours, my god and yet nothing seemed the best for you! How many times do I have to tell you I already found the one I liked best? You continue disapproving almost everything. The party will start at nine in the evening. I don't want to be late!"

Elizabeth was starting to get irritated but Abi was persistent and told her there's another boutique out there to look for. She doubted her friend is doing it on purpose.

"Don't worry my dear... this one is the last I promise you. Have patience! It is really hard to find something for you when everything you have tried looks so good on you but I am looking for something that will really compliment your beauty. Remember that the party will be held by the Andersons meaning there will be some elite and famous visitors out there so don't make yourself look like just an ordinary employee attending this prestigious kind of gathering. And maybe tonight, if the heaven won't forbid, might be your lucky evening to meet a prince charming!"

Abigail shook off a teasing remark.

"You, surely, are changing the topic Abi... and it is not like I am going to attend the party in search for a man. I will be there because I was invited and it is a privilege to be there that I can't waste and say no."

"Blah blah Liz, whatever! Hey!!! Here try this one! I think I found the loveliest!"

Abi tossed her the garment to be fitted and Elizabeth for the last time huffed. She walked lazily towards the fitting cubicle. After wearing the long silky gown, Elizabeth was mesmerized by the beauty before her. The dress is so flowy and elegant. It is a Greek goddess inspired gown. She can't believe that it fits perfectly to her lean body. She felt like she was in trance when she heard Abi called out.

"Liz... are you still there?? Don't tell me you ditched me."

"Yeah Abi... I'm here... I'm coming out!"

Abi's eyes almost popped out upon seeing her in that dress.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!!! Elizabeth... you... are... so... perfectly... beautiful!!"

"Yeah Abi... the dress is beautiful! I loved it! I'm going to take this."

After paying for the dress, Abigail decided to come home with Elizabeth. She thought of giving Liz a beautiful and elegant makeup and hairstyle. Elizabeth can't believe that her best friend was more excited than her.

Before Abi could finish making her hair, Elizabeth heard her cellphone rang. She checked on it and saw an unregistered number. She was, at first, hesitant but decided to answer anyway. It was Lorenz who was asking her if she has someone to come with her at the event. Really, she asked Abigail if she could come but she refused because she had some paper works to finish at home so apparently she will be alone. Given the answer, Lorenz insisted in becoming her date for the night and jokingly reminded her what she said earlier-- that he cannot say no to an Anderson. And so the deal was made. Lorenz will come to fetch her.

Abigail gave her the final touch up. She felt a little overwhelmed with the outcome that she's seeing in the mirror. Abi squealed with so much delight. She was very proud of how Elizabeth had turned stunningly beautiful from head to foot although she was indeed elegant in her own way.

"Thanks Abi. You are really my best friend."

"No need to mention my dear Liz. I am so proud to be one. Look, you will be perfectly fine tonight. "

After hugging one another, they both heard the doorbell.

"Oh.. here comes your date Liz! Tell me everything tomorrow, okay?"

"Hey Abi he is just a friend. And he is my boss' cousin."

"Either a friend or your boss' cousin, still you will tell me stories by tomorrow. And who knows, he maybe is the one!"

Abi winked and giggled after pushing Elizabeth out of her bedroom. She went to open the door while Abi started collecting her things. She was bewildered how gorgeous-looking the man standing in front of the door. He looked different the last time she saw him.

"Ehem! So what can you say? Am I a handsome date tonight, miss?"

He said between his chuckles.

"Well, I think I should absolutely say yes, mister."

"And you are so beautiful, Liz! I think I should be prepared. I bet most of the guys tonight might ask you for a dance. And I must think of different excuses to let you not."

Elizabeth blushed a little when Abi jumped in.

"Thanks to me! I made my ever dearest friend more gorgeous. And as sure as hell, she'll become the center of the night."

" Oh... Lorenz this is my best friend, Abigail... Abi this is my boss' cousin, Lorenz."

Elizabeth made the courtesy of introducing the two. They shook hands afterwards and Abi bade them goodnight. She needed to be home for the paper works. And before leaving Elizabeth, she hugged her once more.

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