Chapter 29

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  The next day Yoongi went to visit his brother, just like he told Jin that he would

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  The next day Yoongi went to visit his brother, just like he told Jin that he would. He didn't sleep much that night. After Jimin left his place, he didn't know what to do. His thoughts were a mess and he felt like he lost the most precious thing in his life.

  He wanted to go to the younger's house and beg him to take him back. But he knew that he should give him space and time. Time. He didn't know when Jimin was going to call him, he just hoped that it would be soon.

  He was currently sitting in a small, white room. There was a metal table in the center, with two chairs facing each other. The room was so bright, it was almost blinding.

  The door opened and he saw his brother walking in. His snow-like hair was a mess and it matched the color of the clothes that he was wearing-white. Are they trying to recreate Heaven or something? the male thought.

"Hello, brother.", the patient greeted him with a smile. Getting up from his chair, he walked towards him, and hugged him. Neither of them remembered the last time they showed affection towards each other, but despite the foreign feeling, they somehow felt at home. Yoongi being shorter, had his arms around his torso. "Thank you for coming."

"No chick-flick moments.", he pulled away first, and they both sat down.

"Supernatural, really?", the elder lifted his right eyebrow.

"Shut up. It's the best TV show ever.", he defended. "Anyway, how are you?", now that he looked at him better, he saw that he had purple eyebags under his eyes. He looked like he hadn't slept for a month when in fact it had only been two days.

"I'm alive and out of prison. It's more than I can ask for."

"Are you taking your medications?"

"Yes, every single one. It feels weird, but I'll do anything I have to. And I'm supposed to have sessions with my doctor two times a week. Tomorrow is the first one."

"You'll be fine."

"I hope you're right. But that isn't why I asked for you to come."

"What is it?"

"I want you to be in charge of the garage while I'm away. And all the paychecks and everything will be yours. I know you still haven't found a job, and I need someone to look after the place. It's a win-win situation."

"Are you sure? I don't know anything about running a business."

"I trust you. I know you'll figure it out. You'll just have to bring me some documents that I need to sign. I called one of my workers, he'll take care of it."

"Where did you tell him that you were going?"

"Only that I was taking some personal time off."

"But would it be accepted since you're in a psych ward and everything?"

"Jin and Hoseok took care of that with my doctor. She's detective Hoseok's sister. I don't know what they did when they admitted me. I wasn't listening much.", he explained.

"Okay. Thank you. It means a lot."

"How are things with you and Jimin? Is Jin easier on you now?", he tried joking. But, Yoongi only made a face when hearing the other's name.

"He knows about you. And he knows that Jin helped you. And that I did nothing while knowing you were the killer.", Namjoon could only let out a small 'oh'.

"I just keep ruining everything, right?"

"No, everything I did was my choice. We'll get through this.", only, he wasn't sure if that was the case.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. You just focus on getting better.", their conversation was interrupted when a guard came in, telling them that the time was up.

  They were both standing now, looking at each other. "I'll visit you soon. I'll bring the documents as well."

  Both brothers hugged for the second time, already used to the familiarity between them. It was sad to think that it was a time like this that brought them closer together.

A/N: i love throwing in some soft moments

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