Chapter 23

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  The living room was dim, the only source of light was coming from the shining moon outside

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The living room was dim, the only source of light was coming from the shining moon outside. At a first glance you would think that the room was unoccupied. Only, there was a tall figure sitting on one of the chairs in the far corner. He was as quiet as a mouse, the only sound coming was from his quiet breathing.

  The front door unlocked and the lights were turned on. The snow-haired criminal, unconscious of his surrounding, didn't notice the statue like person in his living space.

  The detective sat still, looking at the other male, asking himself if all of this is worth it. No, it probably wasn't worth it. He should have called the authorities a few hours ago, and yet, he felt incapable to do so. He let his mind run for the past few hours, contemplating how he was going to handle the situation.

  The criminal finally took notice of the other male in the room. Usually he would greet him with open arms, and a loving kiss, but something in the other's eyes screamed at him to stay at a good distance; He hadn't felt such strong fear ever since he had lived with his father. His mind screamed at him to run, to get away from there, but deep down he knew-he wished-, that he was safe here.

  They fixated each other for a few minutes, no one daring to break the silence. There was no going back now, they had to face what was in front of them now, they both knew that, and yet they both wished that they could turn back time, and go to the much simpler times.

"How was work?", the sitting male asked casually, as if this was just another day.

"Fine.", Namjoon was surprised at his own voice, he didn't know where the strength to talk came from.

"I've been having many doubts these past few days... and I finally got them confirmed this morning."

"Doubts about what?", this isn't the time to play games.

"The identity of the killer."

"A-and do you know who it is now?"

"I think we both know who it is.", the detective smirked, but boy, did he want to cry.

"I don't know what you're- "

"Stop this nonsense!", the detective jumped from his seat, "How could you do such things?"

"Let's calm down.", the accused tried reasoning.

"Calm down? There is nothing to be calm about.", all the anger he felt, finally was let out.

"Please, you need to understand.", he pleaded, "the voices, they made me do it."

"Are you seriously not taking responsibility for your actions?"

"It's true! They told me to do it. I had no choice!"

"No choice? You could have started taking your pills for starters."

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