Chapter 17

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  The past week had been stressful to say the least

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The past week had been stressful to say the least. Jin had kept his promise of working harder on the case. He re watched old CCTV tapes, and went to some of the old crime scenes to get a possible lead from someone or something, but same as before, there was nothing new.

He had barely gone home, only late at nights to shower and change his clothes. The police station was practically his living space now. He hadn't really been seeing his brother, and he didn't remember when was the last time he spoke with his lover either.

Everyone at the station could see the change in their head detective, he had been more active and more on edge about everything. It's not that he wasn't taking the case seriously before, but it was as if something had snapped inside of him now, and there was no turning back.

He was grateful he had Hoseok with him there, there were numerous times when he would bring him lunch or coffee. He would also stay in contact with Namjoon and Jimin for him, since he never picked up his phone anymore.

The Head Detective, was sitting on one of the chairs in front of the big computer screens, watching yet another CCTV camera footage from the last crime scene; He didn't dare return to that place. At times when he wanted to go there and check everything by himself, his legs stopped working and he couldn't bring himself to relive that same memory. That lake spot was supposed to be where he lived one of the best nights of his life, but now it was nothing but a dreadful crime scene where a cold-blooded murderer had his fun.

His eyes started dropping, he hadn't been getting any sleep this past week either. He needed something, just something that would lead him towards a good direction; It was as if his prayers for the first time in a long time were heard, when he noticed something in the far distance of the woods. Because it was surrounded by many trees, there were barely any surveillance cameras anywhere, except for a few at the parking lot.

The image wasn't that visible, so he had to slow it down quite a few times, and even then, it wasn't that clear. There had been some light coming from the morning sun, so it would make it easier to see everything better after the picture had been cleared up and polished. How hadn't anyone seen this? It wasn't a difficult thing to spot. But then again, he hadn't noticed anything before either...

The picture had started to clear up, and his body started shaking with anticipation. His fingers were tapping on the desk, and his right leg was moving up and down. He finally felt like he had something. If this were a person, he would identify it, and question them. This was more than they have ever gotten. He didn't want to get his hopes up if it turned out to be nothing, but deep down he felt it like this was it.

The image had cleared up, and his heart was beating ten times faster than normal. There was a male figure wearing a dark hoodie, and a black baseball cap that covered most of his face. Some hair had fallen on the right side of his face, and his nose and lips were visible.

The whole world around him felt spinning around. How many times had he laid in bed, studying every detail of that face? How many times had he watched that nose crinkle every time he was worried? How many times had he felt those lips around his own, connecting like two puzzle pieces? This couldn't be it. This wasn't what he was looking for. He knew for a fact that this was his lover on the screen, but it was just a mere coincidence. Joon had already known the place, so of course he would go there from time to time. This meant nothing, he was just at the wrong place, at the wrong time.

His lover wouldn't hurt anybody. He saw the way he longed for his brother. The way his eyes went a darker shade when he was thinking about his sad past. He knew he loved him the way no one ever had before. No one could fake those emotions. This was just a bad coincidence.

He had to get rid of this tape before anyone else saw it. He didn't know why he was panicking so hard, Namjoon definitely had a good reason to be there. Before he could even process what he was doing, the image before him vanished, and was long gone. He had deleted it.

He felt silly accusing his lover like that. He knew Namjoon better than anyone else. And he wasn't a killer.

The room suddenly got stuffy and it was as if he couldn't breathe. He had been crumped up in that small space, for who knows how long, he had to get some fresh air. He would go to his lover's home and cook them dinner and everything would be forgotten. Now that he thought about it, he felt bad for neglecting everyone around him. He was so focused on this case, that he had completely forgotten abut his private life.

He had to make everything right. He was heading towards his office to get his things, the CCTV footage, buried deep in his mind, not paying it a second though. His lover wasn't a killer, he couldn't be. If there was one thing, he was sure about, it was that Namjoon, was a good person, with a kind heart.

A/N: the tea is finally gonna get spilled

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