Chapter 18

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  Jin had called his brother when he was on his way to Namjoon's place

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Jin had called his brother when he was on his way to Namjoon's place. It didn't surprise him when he told him that he was at Yoongi's place. He still didn't know how he felt about the guy, and if he was treating his brother nicely. As much as he wanted to protect his younger sibling from the outside world, he knew that he couldn't, for his brother was an adult now, and could take care of himself. As long as Jimin was happy, he was happy too.

  He was now in the kitchen at his lover's apartment. The place was empty, meaning he was still at work-he was grateful he had given him a key not long ago-. Jin thought it was better this way, he would surprise him with a nice dinner, and apologize for neglecting him for the past few days.

  He had already set the table, added a few candles that were waiting to be lighted up, and was now finishing cooking the food. He was confident in the kitchen, so he knew his lover would like the food he had been preparing for the past hour.

  The only thing left to do was, cook some vegetables, and then voilà! He didn't notice how hot the cooking oil had gotten, because he had forgotten to turn down the heat, when suddenly he felt a small peck on his right hand and he yelped out in pain.

"Oh, for fuck's sake!", he cursed out loud. He quickly turned the stove off, and clenched his right fist in his other hand. That hurt a lot more than it should have had.

  He went towards the bathroom to find the first aid kid, and began looking through all the drawers, not noticing the mess he was making, since it felt like the pain was getting stronger.

  Opening one of the drawers he finally noticed what he was looking for. While pulling out the small white box, a little yellow bottle with a white cap fell on the floor. He bent down to pick it up, and he couldn't help but read what was on the per scripted mediation. Why did Namjoon have this in his possession? And why was his name written on the bottle?

  Hearing the front door open he quickly jumped, and put the medication back where it fell from.

"Jin?!", he heard Namjoon calling.

"I'm in the bathroom!", he yelled back. This didn't make any sense. Everything was more confusing now. He couldn't believe his lover hadn't told him this before. What else was he hiding? No, he scolded himself, we're not going there again, Namjoon is innocent.

"Are you okay? What happened?", he questioned as soon as he saw the first aid kit on the counter.

"I'm fine. I just burned myself while cooking.", he answered with an embarrassed smile.

"You need to be more careful, baby.", he took what he needed from the small box and began treating his injury. Looking at his face, he couldn't help but remember what he saw on that tape. Shaking his head slightly, he got rid of all negative thoughts. There was an explanation for everything. Let's not jump into conclusions.

"There, all done.", he heard him say after a while. He had wrapped his hand in a bandage after putting some alcohol on the burn.

"Thank you."

"I'm really glad you're here.", Joon said, taking his face in his hands, "I was starting to worry about you. You hadn't called for a whole week. Your partner was the only source of information I had about you."

"I'm sorry. I got caught up in work. But I'm here now. And I made us dinner, as a way to say I'm sorry."

"Just don't shut me out again, okay?", he nodded his head to assure his lover, and their lips were connected in a second. How he missed being in his lover's arms. Everything came together when they were with each other. He felt like his whole word was complete.


   While they were eating, Namjoon was the one that mostly kept the conversation going. Although he talked during most of the dinner, Jin wasn't paying that much attention to him. He wasn't purposely ignoring the male, his mind just kept working on its own. He tried joining in in the conversation a few times, but it was no use, because he couldn't concentrate on a thing he was saying.

  Why did he have those pills in his cabinet? Jin wasn't an expert on mental illness, but he knew that what Namjoon was diagnosed with was pretty serious. The bottle was almost full. Had he been taking his medications, or had he been neglecting them? Although he probably could have just bought them... But the etiquette on the bottle was starting to peel off, and the bottle didn't look entirely new. Why wasn't he taking his pills? And most importantly why hadn't he told him anything? Was he afraid of how he would react?

  He felt someone shaking him on the shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts. His lover looked at him with concerned eyes, opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it, changing his mind.

"I'm sorry. I was thinking about work.", he felt terrible lying, but should he tell him about the pills? Or even what he saw on the CCTV tape? He didn't want him to think that he suspected him of being the killer, and he didn't know how he would react to the medicine, so he let it go for now.

"Okay, what is wrong? You have been gone all week, and now that you're here, you're not actually here. What's wrong?", how was he supposed to tell him what was wrong?

"Nothing, don't worry about it. I'm just tired. Should we go to bed early?", the blonde male didn't look convinced, but he nodded his head, and Jin was thankful he didn't ask any more questions. He knew that they needed to talk, but how was one supposed to ask their significant other 'Hey what were you doing at a crime scene, half an hour after a murder had happened?' and 'Are you schizophrenic?', without sounding suspicious?

"You go, I'll clean this up.", he didn't say anything back, except a quick 'Okay', and went towards the bedroom. He needed to sleep, he was exhausted both physically and mentally. He had no idea what was happening, and could he go as far as accusing his boyfriend for killing eight people?

  He was laying in bed, his back facing the bedroom door, when he heard Namjoon enter. He didn't turn back to face him, just kept his eyes closed and pretended he was sleeping. He heard the male undressing, and soon the covers were lifted and a body was pressed against his back. Namjoon's hand went around his torso, bringing him closer to his body, and he felt a kiss on the top of his head.

"I don't know what is going on, but I hope you know you can tell me anything. I'm here for you always.", he heard the male whisper. Just like you tell me everything, too? He wanted to ask, but kept his mouth shut, and enjoyed the embrace of the one he loved. He would deal with everything in the morning, now he just wanted to rest.

A/N: i luv hope world sm dnsjsjw

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