worthless, prinxiety

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Just kill yourself. Thomas already has another Creativity. You're pointless to him. You're worthless! You're fat and ugly! Slit your wrists, faggot! End it all! You're nothing! They won't care, no one would care! You're a loud burden!

Roman was sitting on his bed in his room, something he had been doing all day. No food, no water, no talking. Just him with his own thoughts. The worse ones to be exact. The ones that told him he was useless, fat, ugly and a burden. The ones that made him harm himself.

The ones that tried to make him end himself.

Roman felt the tears stream down his face as he fell of his bed from exhaustion, hardly making a sound as he collided with the floor. Weakly, he stood back up, opened his bedside drawer and removed a sharp blade.

He sat back down on the edge of his bed. Rolling up his sleeve, he pressed the blade into his wrist and dragged it along. He did this around 15 times before he heard a worried knock at the door.

'Roman? Are you okay? You haven't come out all day...'


Roman was too dizzy to reply, the blood from his wrists staining the blade. He was bleeding out, the blood dripping down his arm.

'Roman! If you don't reply, I'm coming in!'

Virgil sounded anxious.

'I'm okay...'

'No you're not! I'm coming in!'

Roman felt fear rush through him, but he was too weak to shout out, to stop Virgil entering. He saw the doorknob shake as Virgil opened the door.

Idiot! You should've locked the door! You could be dead if you weren't so dumb! Quick! More cuts, kill yourself before he can stop you!

Roman was exhausted; he fell back on his bed, not bothering to fight death.

Virgil entered. He clasped his hand over his mouth in shock, before running to the seemingly lifeless Roman - there was a blood-covered blade on his bed that fell out of his hand as he was so exhausted from blood loss, and deep cuts down both his wrists.

'No no no NO NO! PATTON!!! LOGAN!!!'

Roman heard footsteps pound up the stairs as Virgil hugged him tight, muttering in his ear.

'Roman please be okay. I love you too much to lose you. Please be okay. Please, please!' Virgil was sobbing into Roman's chest.

'What happened?!' Patton questioned as he and Logan came in and saw what happened. Patton rushed next to Roman and Virgil while Logan got the first-aid kit.

'Virgil, please get Roman some food and water,' Virgil nodded at the instruction from Patton and went downstairs. As he left, he saw Patton and Logan wrapping Roman's arms in soft bandages. Tears in his eyes, Virgil looked away. He couldn't stand to look at Roman's almost lifeless body, and how he could've prevented this.

Virgil noticed. He noticed how Roman became more quiet, how he was in his room more. He noticed that Roman hardly ate, and how when he did he went directly to the bathroom. He noticed how Roman wore more makeup, and how he slowly started to cover more and more of his body. How his clothes became baggier and baggier.


Virgil and Logan sat in silence in the dining room, the only sounds were Virgil's sobs. After several minutes of this torture, Patton came downstairs.

'He wants to see you, Virgil.'

Virgil was up in a second, muttering a thanks to Patton. He rushed up the stairs and into Roman's room. He was shocked when he saw Roman - he looked tired, weak. As soon as his eyes met Roman's, before Virgil even closed the door, he broke into tears.

'Roman, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!' Roman was lost for words as Virgil stumbled into the room, shutting the door with a click. He fell next to Roman on his bed.

'I'm so sorry, Roman,' Virgil took Roman's hand.

'Why are you sorry? I was the one who cut myself,' Virgil's grip on Roman's hand tightened.

'I should've stopped you - I saw all the signs but did nothing. You wouldn't even be here right now if you locked the door, or did it quicker! Please don't do it again...'

'Why do you even care, Virgil?'

'I love you, okay?! I've loved you for the longest time! It broke me to see you almost lifeless on the bathroom floor. I was left with my own thoughts, with the images of you and your sliced wrists... I was so worried, Roman.'

Roman was still lost for words.


'I love you too.'

'Promise me you won't do it again?'



'I promise, love.'

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