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Next day I woke up not in the best mood.I didn't even bother getting dressed before going down to make my coffee.My pijama wasn't that embarrassing, just some joggers.That's all.

The kitchen was empty, since it was quite early.I heard someone coming just as I took my first sip.I turned around and smiled softly at Jamie.

"Hey George"I placed my coffee on the table. "I just wanted to say... nether Reece or I care you like boys.Your mom was just trying to explain it... and I know she regrets saying that"I smiled and nodded. "Well, thanks... I don't really know why I reacted that way.Maybe because I wanted to be the one to tell you... or because Zack and I are really close friends.."

"It's alright, you got nervous.Now I'll let you have breakfast in piece.Your mom's out, by the way.I'll be upstairs in my office if you need me"I nodded and smiled thankfully.

Well, at least now everything is alright.

[The next day]

I spent Sunday quite calmly.Hanged out with Blake and not much more.

The next morning, guess who woke me up?

"Wake (Plof) up (Plof) you (Plof) lazy (Plof) ass!"Surely wasn't Jamie.It was Reece, who threw me a pillow after each word he said.I groaned but rolled over, falling to the ground with a big thud.

By the way, Reece wasn't... he changed... well, you can say he went from being the angry rude to being the cheeky rude.That's good, I think.

"I'm up!Im up"I muttered so he would stop throwing pillows.Where the fuck did he get so many pillows?!I got up and went to my wardrobe, but he's gaze was still there. "Are you going to let me change or are you waiting until I strip down?"I asked, not really realizing what I just said.I didn't look at him, but I heard him clear his throat and leave.

Just then I realized what I said. "Shit"I muttered, resting my head against the wardrobe.Now he thinks I'm wierd, great.


"How are ya?"

Camila asked me after getting in the car.I shrugged "Good.I was planning on killing Reece but I'm too tired"She chuckled. "Why did you want to kill him?"

"He woke me up by throwing pillows at me"She grinned. "That's good.He's starting to like you"I shrugged. "I guess he doesn't want to murder me anymore"


I walked towards Blake and was quite surprised when I spotted him with a short brunet on his arms.I approached them with a grin.

"Hello George"I smiled at Blake before inspecting the girl.Short, cute, smily, just perfect for Blake. "George, meet Bailee.Bailee, this is George"We shook hands, both with a smile. "Nice to meet you"

"To you too.Is she on our classes?"I asked Blake.He nodded with a smile. "Smith!"We all snapped our heads towards Tyler, that had just called me.

I smiled once he grinned at me. "I'll be back"I told them before walking to him. He grinned at me once more before pulling me into a hug. "Thanks bro, I've got a date with the girl and I actually like her!"I smiled as he pulled away. "No problem.Told you it wouldn't be that hard"

Well, things were getting better.


"So, tell me about yourself Bailee"

I rested my head on my hand as I smiled at the couple in front of me. "Why does it look like you're trynna flirt with my girlfriend?" Blake asked, as we chuckled.

"I'm not, you jealous shit.I just want to know if my best friend's girlfriend is a serial killer or not"He raised an eyebrow. "I wouldn't be alive if she was"I made a face. "True.Well, tell me about yourself, Bailee"

She chuckled once more before replying. "Well, I like skateboarding, drawing and going for walks"I nodded. "Seems legit.Anything you wanna add, Blakey boy?"I smiled at him.

"Are you on drugs?"He asked carefully. "Nope"He nodded. "Well, we met at the park, actually.I spilled my ice cream over her and I wanted to make it up to her so the next day I invited her for a coffee.We exchanged numbers and kept talking until I asked her out"

"That's cute but I asked you to tell me something about her, not your love story"
"That's something about her"
"Would you respond me your age if I asked about your day?"
"It's not the same"
"Can we change the conversation?"
"Sure babe"
"Ugh you're both annoyingly cute"

I swear I've never felt more single.


The last part is pretty wierd😂
Btw thanks for 1k already, u guys are amazing: )

Love u all 💙


𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𒊹︎ Greece ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now