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The next day I didn't want to wake up.

I told myself that what I felt and thought yesterday was just a one-time thing.I mean, that voice could charm anyone, right?

I got up slowly, not ready to face anyone.I brushed my teeth lazily and got into a oversized sweatshirt and some jeans.I stumbled downstairs, still half asleep.I entered the kitchen and found my mom and Reece having a quiet conversation. And


Reece was shirtless, great.I quickly moved my gaze from his tanned torso to my mother, who I smiled lazily at while I went to make myself some coffee.

It ain't normal for someone to be that hot.


I did not think that.

I just- I'm still dazed by yesterday and that he's shirtless confuses me. That's it. Now stop thinking, your coffee is overflowing.

"Shit"I muttered, stopping the machine that decided to go crazy as I zoomed out.I hissed quietly as I took the coffee cup that was covered in the boiling liquid.

"Aye George, always clumsy"My mom sighed as she took the small cup and poorer it on the sink while I cleaned my hand with cold water. "Isn't my fault!It went crazy!"

"So was it when you fell at your primary graduation"I glared as I heard Reece laugh. "You did what!Are there video evidence?!"My mom smiled mischievously as she got her phone out.

"Crazy woman"I muttered as I snatched it.Reece groaned. "Oh come on!It probably isn't that bad!"I shook my head, walking backwards as he came closer.

"It is that bad"We had a stare contest until I made a run for it.I heard my mom chuckle as Reece started running too.I made a run upstairs, turning left to the corridor that led up to our parents room, their office and their bathroom.

Suddenly, Reece pulled me to his chest.Like I didn't already know he was built.I don't need to feel it honey, I know it's hard like a rock. "Give me the phone"He demanded out of breath.At least he could breath, from the moment he touched me my heart stopped beating.

"Nope"I finally chocked out, phone clenched in my hand.No matter how many thoughts were running through my head, my dignity is more important.I managed to get out of his grip and made a run again.I accidentally entered the office, where Jamie was working.

He raised an eyebrow at me, a small smile on his face.I hid behind him. "Your son's trying to kill me"He nodded. "Typical"

Then, Reece raced inside.I couldn't see, but I did hear. "Is George here?"He was still out of breath. "Nope"Reece kept silent. "So you're telling me no short blond with a phone is hiding behind you"

"Yup"I knew Reece knew he was lying, so I made a run for it. It Reece was quick enough to catch me. "Got ya" Shit.That sent shivers down my spine.

"I'm still not gonna show you"Reece groaned at my stubbornness. "Can I ask why is my son chasing you?" "Well, he wants to see an embarrassing video of me"Jamie smiled.

"Then you better show him, he's even more stubborn than you"I sighed. "Ok, but let me go, I can't breath"He hesitantly let me go, and I obviously made a run downstairs.I found my mom were we left her.

I gave her the phone. "Ok, I give in.I swear no 15 year old is more sneaky"Reece groaned loudly, entering the room.He was sweating now, hair even more messed up. "Great"I walked upstairs to my room to get Reece off my mind.What I couldn't believe was

that I was crushing on Reece.


The rest of the day I tried taking my mind off Reece.I called Zack, went for a walk and played video games.Soon it was dinner time.

"So, how's Zack?"My mom asked, breaking the silence.It wasn't an awkward silence, but my mom loved making conversation. "He's great, got a new motorcycle"She nodded. "Please tell me Zack is five and his motorcycle is made of plastic"Reece said. I chuckled. "He's 16 and it's a real motorcycle"

"Who is this boy Zack?"Jamie finally asked. "Oh, he's George's oldest and closest friend.George keeps denying it, but I think there's something between them..."I got serious. She talked about about my love life like it was normal, and she legit just out-goed me. "Mom"I warned.

"What?Im just saying the truth.Maybe next time you meet he'll finally ask you out..." "Mom.That's enough"I didn't want to make a scene, but the tension that that comments created were killing me, so I got up shortly after.

I flopped on my bed and huffed.I actually didn't know why I got so angry.I wasn't ashamed of liking boys, I came out pretty soon and everyone respected me.I know Reece and Jamie do too from their reactions.They weren't shocked or mad, just a bit uncomfortable thanks to my reaction.

I did like Zack.But I didn't anymore.Now, as you've noticed, I like Reece, which is even worse.One, because we aren't even friends and two because we're step brothers.I felt like shit for liking my friend, so now that I like my step brother...

Seriously, my love life is messed up.


I love you: )


𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𒊹︎ Greece ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now