"What is it?" I asked, jumping up to sit on the ping pong table.

"Okay, well. I know we already completed something off the list today, but since Jason has a pool, I figured we could.." He didn't have to finish the rest of the sentence. I knew what he meant.

"I'm not going skinny dipping, you perve. I said, rolling my eyes.

"I'm not a perve!" Percy replied, obviously offended, "I just want to show you how good of a swimmer I am." I nodded because I could count it as skinny dipping on my list. It was totally not because I would get to see Percy shirtless.

"Deal." We shook hands and Percy dragged me outside in the freezing cold. The pool would have looked inviting if it was a summer night. The lights inside the pool glowed in a rainbow, and the city was expanded right in front of us. It was truly breathtaking.

"Don't worry, I turned the heat up to where we won't turn into popsicles," Percy assured me as if he was reading my mind. I nodded as I approached the pool until I reached the edge. Did I really want to freeze the rest of the night? No.

Before I could back away and change my mind, Percy grabbed me with him and jumped in. Instantly, warmth exploded around me. Maybe it was Percy's embrace, but I felt heat surrounding me.

Speaking of Percy, he re-emerged from under the water with a huge smile. His hair was a mop on his head. When he opened his eyes, I was immediately overwhelmed by the beauty of them. They've always been pretty, but they were mesmerizing in the water.

Percy caught me staring at him and winked, "Do you like what you see?"

I did, but there was no way I was about to admit it. "No." I said plainly.

  "Gee, thanks," He frowned.

Suddenly, a jet of warm water splashed on to my face, completely messing up whatever makeup I had on left. After rubbing my eyes until I got all of the water out, my vision slowly focused on a smirking Percy. His hands were crossed on his chest, and his bright sea-green eyes were sparkling brilliantly. If I wasn't so annoyed at his immaturity, I would have stared at his beautiful face for days.

Realizing I was gaping with my mouth open, I quickly spoke, "Oh, you're so dead, Jackson!"

It went like that for ages. Eventually, I jumped on his back and tried to dunk him underwater. Of course, I had no success, but I didn't care.

Finally, he went under and swam around me like a shark does to its prey before it strikes. My heart threatened to leap out of my chest.

   In the house I could hear cheering to the countdown. It started from one minute and was slowly ticking it's way down. 59, 58, 57, 56... 30, 29, 28....

  Percy was slowly inching closer to me, under water of course. I was slightly impressed by how long he could stay under water.

   Now there was only 10 seconds until the new year struck. Percy seemed to notice and pulled me under with him. I tried to swim away, but he was way stronger than me.

   There must've been 3 seconds left until the ball was completely dropped. Finally, at the last second I felt a pair of lips crash into mine. Initially I was in panic, but finally kissed Percy back. His lips were sweet and soft, and felt amazing against mine. My heart stopped doing jumping jacks and started doing back flips.

   And it was pretty much the best underwater kiss of all time.



Hope you guys liked this! The last line isn't mine, if you didn't notice.

Comment "New Years!" if you guys want to. I don't even know why I still do these but it's fun! So do it!

I know they kissed and everything, BUT THEY WILL NOT BE AN INSTACOUPLE. I swear we have plenty of story until they finally fall in love and date and blah blah blah.  I have around 30-40-ish chapters, so I hope you all stick around 💙

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