"Whatever, I have to go," Youngjae stood up and began to walk off, "I'll see you when I get home." 

"Wait, Youngjae," His father carefully stood up from his bed. 

"What?" Youngjae turned, "Lay back down, please." 

"Please be safe out there. You and Jinyoung." 

"Of course we will," Youngjae smiled, "Is that all?"

"I love you, Youngjae." 

"I love you too, dad."


Bambam location: H1gher Heaven Dance Studio  

It wasn't hard for Bambam to figure out where Yugyeom danced as the studio had a Youtube channel where they posted both covers and original dances. As he walked into the studio, he was immediately greeted by a male. 

"Hey, can I help you?" 

"I was wondering if Yugyeom was here today?" Bambam asked. 

"No, sorry, he was in an accident so he won't be here for a while." 

"An accident?" 

"Yeah apparently but that's all I know." 

"Thank you," Bambam nodded and walked out of the studio. He pulled out his phone and attempted to call Yugyeom to no avail, the dancer just wasn't picking up his calls. 

To say Bambam was worried was an understatement. Though it hadn't been long since he met Yugyeom, he felt the need to stay with him but Yugyeom hadn't contacted him in over a week. 

Bambam called another number and the person picked up right away. 

"Hey, Bambam. What's up?" 

Bambam hesitated, did he really want to ask Minghao to track Yugyeom's cell? Could he really trust Minghao?

"Um it's nothing important, I was just wondering where...Chance was," Bambam asked. 

"He's been driving around, that's all. Why?" Minghao questioned. 

"It's just he hasn't picked up my calls or anything so I was wondering if he was busy," Bambam quickly said, "But that's all. Bye." 

"Yeah bye," Minghao hung up. He quickly checked Bambam's location, he was located outside of Yugyeom's studio.  

The hacker grabbed his phone and began to write out a text to Chance but hesitated, instead Minghao turned his attention towards his computer and began to track Yugyeom. 


"Police are currently looking for various missing men. All 6 of these men were reported missing about a week ago. These men include Kim SeokJin, son of the businessman of the same name and actor. Model Kim Taehyung, Park Jimin who is a dancer at H1gher Heaven Dance Studio, Jeon Jungkook who is also a dancer at the previously mentioned studio along with being a popular SoundCloud artist and trainee at HugmounousHit Entertainment. Jung Hoseok who is a youtube famous freelance choreographer and record producer Min Yoongi. If you know about the whereabouts of any of these men or have spotted them, police are asking that you come forward with any information." 

Yugyeom frowned seeing his friends, Jungkook and Jimin, on the screen in front of him. A deep sigh came from the male as he reached over to turn off the TV as he was tired of hearing the news. 

It was weird though, they seemed to go missing around the same time he was hurt. 

Yugyeom dismissed it the thought of anything bad happening to the males. 

He looked around the hospital room he's called his home for the past week in disgust. Yugyeom was tired of the same scenery, he missed his apartment. 

Rapid taps came at the door and in walked both Youngjae and Jinyoung together. 

"Hi, Yugyeom," Youngjae smiled. 

"Youngjae!" Yugyeom smiled at his friend, "I heard you were hurt?" 

"I'm fine, Jinyoung honestly had it worst," Youngjae replied earning a silent glare from Jinyoung. 

"You said Mark did this to you as a warning?" Jinyoung questioned, staring at the boy's lower leg that was in a brace. 

"Yeah, cause I started talking to Bambam again...this is all my fault," Yugyeom smiled bitterly, "I should have known he would find out." 

"None of this is your fault," Youngjae semi yelled, "Don't say that." 

Yugyeom laughed. He began to stand up from his bed. 


"No, see," Yugyeom said as he took off his shirt, his back facing Youngjae and Jinyoung, "This is what he did to me two years ago."

 Jinyoung lightly touched Yugyeom's back, "He burned you?" 

"He did other things too," Yugyeom whispered, "He...he..." 

"You don't have to say it," Youngjae reassured, tears were forming in the man's eyes. 

Yugyeom put his shirt on and faced his friends, "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you before." 

"How did he find you?" 

"Bambam...brought me to him," Yugyeom whispered, "but he had no choice." 

"You always have a choice," Youngjae said. 

"Not Bambam," Yugyeom said, sitting on the edge of his bed, "Bambam is basically a slave. He was...bought through my father's network by Mark's father, Isaac. Mark had Isaac killed and when that happened he took control of his father's company, created his mafia and kept Bambam." 

"He had his father killed?" Youngjae questioned. 

"Yeah, Bambam had told me he hired a hitman," Yugyeom shrugged, "There's not a good bone in Mark Tuan's body." 

Jinyoung sighed, "He's despicable." 

Youngjae wiped his eyes and smiled at Yugyeom, "Well I know you're tired of staying here so do you want to go home?"

"Please!" Yugyeom exclaimed. 

"Alright," Jinyoung smiled, "Let's go." 


After a long time of convincing Youngjae and Jinyoung that neither needed to stay and convincing that bodyguards were not needed either, Yugyeom welcomed the peace of his home. He sat on the couch watching dramas on TV when he heard a knock on the door. Yugyeom went to answer the door as quickly as he possibly could, which was not very quickly. 

"Who are you?" Yugyeom asked when he finally opened the door. 

The raven-haired man smiled, "My name is Minghao and you don't know me, Yugyeom but I know you fairly well." 

"Are you..." 

"Yes, I'm with Black Rose but I'm not here because of Chance....um Mark. I'm here because of Bambam." 

"Bambam?" Yugyeom whispered.

"Is it okay, if I came in to talk?" Minghao smiled. 

Yugyeom glared, "How do I know I can trust you?" 

"Angel, heaven isn't too high is it?" Minghao whispered causing Yugyeom to gasp. 

That was one of Bambam's old sayings. 

"Then you can trust me, right?" Yugyeom finished off the phase, "You can come in, Minghao." 

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