Students And Sensei?!

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-You know...I just realize I call him Geno, not Genos-

-This is so embarrassing(>///<)-

-So loooonnnnggggggg-


Genos p.o.v

Finally, I arrived at my two sensei apartment. I so nervous to meet them especially that pretty bo-I-I mean Y/N sensei! I can do it! You can do this Genos!

Saitama p.o.v

"Sensei!" I clearly hear his voice in front of my house. Sometimes I just hope I dreaming. Damn you Y/N, managed to escape and leaving me with this problem. I swear you will pay for this!

I sigh while open the door a little to show my 'what are you doing here?!' face. "You really showed up," I said try to polite at him but what is his name? "Uh..."

"It's Genos, Saitama sensei." Ah, so that's his name. Why did he call me sensei in the first place?! "Can you not call me sensei?"

"Master!" Now he calls me master! "Not master either!". He really troublesome now and please just PLEASE HURRY BACK HOME Y/N!!!

Y/N p.o.v

   "Hmmm, you better hurry up girls! The squid is still alive~" I sit one of the tables in front of the cafe with a cup of coffee at my hands while watching our two new workers do their job. Their first job is to win the battle against the giant squid which has been paid by this one scientist which again the one who made and let this squid out in the first place. 

   "Yes, MR. Badass Assasin!" said the girl with a long green dress. "Yes, senpai!" said the girl with a cute lolita dress. So energetic for a new one in this work. Let's see their resume, a girl with a long green dress and a red long hair being called a Poison Ivy. She can control plants and made the poison. Dangerous girl with an innocent face huh? better not make her angry. The next one is a girl with a grey lolita dress and a short hair brown being called Cherry. Oh~ she a bomb maker which means she good with explosions. Well, they both are an interesting girl after all.

   "Doesn't it weird to see two young girls fight with a giant squid for you Badass-Kun." I look at the man wearing a blue sweater with tracksuit pants (I don't know if I say right.) "If you talk about your dirty mind, I don't want to know." "Hey! I don't think like that!" I Look into his eyes. "Ok...maybe...a little," he said while laughing nervously. I don't want to argue with this useless talk so I just ask him the information I want. "Oh, about that she said she accidentally pours a weird fluid on the squid. In the end, it becomes big like now." Scientist and they crazy mind. "And she said...the squid...maybe have a little dirty mind." he continues again his word. Now it all explains why the giant squid looking at girls with creepy pervert eyes.

   Then, Poison Ivy has been taking by tentacle squid. Hold her tightly without giving her a chance to escape. The giant squid eyes looking at her hungrily make me really hate it how it ends. Cherry then pulls out one of her bombs in her dress and throw the bomb at the giant squid, make it release Poison Ivy. Before her land to the ground, I run to her direction and grab her in bridal style. Why do I feel like I see this scene before? 

   "That's for sexual harassment my friend pervert squid!!!" Cherry yell at the giant squid that has already faint. "Calm down Cherry, you already won." I walk to Cherry still holding Poison Ivy that blushing so hard. "Senpai! Put down my friend please." "OH! yeah forgot about that." I then put down Poison Ivy that still blushing. Cherry comes closer to Poison Ivy and whispers something at her. I can't hear but she becomes more blushing after that. "Ok ok girls enough with the conversation you have and now for my words about you two."

   They now look at me seriously. "Ok, so this is it. You two did a good job with this mission BUT Cherry you should control your anger and Poison Ivy you shouldn't let your guard down." They look down sadly. "Hey, that doesn't mean you suck or something. Your teamwork really impresses me and I'll pretty sure you can handle it in the future." Now they look happy after I praise them or likely blush.

   "My partner will continue this conversation," I said while the blue sweater man walks towards us. "What a smooth talk you have Badass-Kun and you are not the one who should say that." "What you mean by that?" I said confused at him. "Wellllll the part about control the anger. You the one who always loses control each time you mad."

  "It's their fault make me angry," I said naively. "Yeah you right, you almost kill them if a monster or people try to pick a fight at you," he said straight to the point. He's right, maybe I should try to control it next time. "Ok, you win. I will go now." I waved at him before I begin walking. "This early?" he said. "I have to. I live my friend for too long with 'someone' that he doesn't want to see actually." I then walk leaving to Saitama's place.

   "Oh, I almost forget, tell Amanda 'your fiance' I say hi. Goodbye wolf." "Ok, I will remember that," Wolf said not looking at me and talk to our new workers.


     "Enough, you idiot! Shorten it to 20 words or less!" I finally arrive at my home until I hear the scream at Saitama's house. The voice that just screams must be Saitama. Oh my, which means that kid is still here huh. Should I enter his house or not? He probably will mad at me but still, in the end, I will get yelled by him. 

   I sigh and knock Saitama's door before he opens it with his stressful face.

Saitama p.o.v

   The one I waited for finally in front of my door. He and his naive face smile at me like nothing happen. "Saitama~ I'm sorry I live you alone in the first place but I really really busy with my work~~," he said with his cold tone but still cute when he tried to do that. "You so lucky for being cute," I mumble don't want him to hear what I say. "What are you mumble about?" "I say hurry up go inside and help me deal with this 'problem'." I then let him in and close the door.

Genos p.o.v

  "Hey, kiddo nice to meet you again." He's here while sitting in front of me and sit beside my master. I never thought I miss with his pretty blue eyes. Snap of it Genos! What is wrong with you??!!

   "Ehem, master here's the short version: 

Please teach me the way to become strong like you two."

    "Genos..." the blue eyes male said. "Yes!" "How old are you this year?" my ages huh? "19," I say confidently. "So young..." he and master sigh. "I'm sure you'll surpass us in no time." my master said. "Do you mean that?" "I'm 25 now, but I was 22 when I started training in the summer." my master said again until been interrupt by the blue eyes male. "I also 25 now but I trained my assassin skill when I was 17 years old." he then gets smacked by my master. "Maybe you shouldn't talk." "But seriously Saitama~ you look old when the first time I see you. I never thought we in the same age." the blue eyes male teased my master. "You the one who has a young face that everyone will mistake that you are a teenager." "Awww~ is that compliment." He teased more to my master. I don't know why but look like my master blushing a little.

   "Anyway, kiddo we can teach you." I gasped for a moment. "But it won't be easy. Can you handle it?" the blue eyes male smile at me waiting for my answer. "Yes, sir!!" I shout confidently "Oh, I forget to tell your name kiddo?" "It's Genos." he stares at me for a moment. "Genos huh? You can call me Y/N. Don't dare add 'sensei' or 'master' behind my name. Got that?" suddenly his aura chance...more like a deadly aura. I should be careful not to try to make him angry. "Yes, Y/N!!"

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