Kiss and Letter

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Another day appear,

Everyone doing their routine life like normal nothing weird or problematic for now.

I walk back home while being carried by no other is almighty Saitama.

...He becomes more protective than usual almost similar to 'old Kagami'. At first, I do say my leg hurt but does he have to make everything dramatic.

It's not like I can't walk.

While I in thought, we arrive at our apartment. He carefully carries me behind his back for each stair he steps.

For some reason do I look pathetic that I have to face this insult? I wish he has hair so I can pull it.

At his home, he put me down and order me to not go anywhere while he takes a drink for me. Now I'm annoyed.

"...Annoying..." I mumble.

"Do you say something?" He asks me.

" This situation is annoying! Stop treating me like I will gonna die by small movement you dummy bald guy!" I say everything that I hold all this time.

He comes from the kitchen holding a glass in his hand.

"Oh, sorry about that. Should I give you a rough kiss for you to forgive me?" I blush. "Or perhaps you want to drink water using my mouth? You choose cutie cat."

Wha-what this idiot tries to say. It's not like I want to drink using his lips.


"I-I'm not cute! I am merciless and mean stop calling me cutie cat! But hurry up then I thirsty."

Third p.o.v

Saitama flinch. He just joking around but doesn't know Y/N will ask for it. It is full of tense for Saitama. Should he do it? What if his twins return home and saw him doing it? Pretty sure Kagami not letting this go maturely. But what if he denied the Y/N offer?  Probably not speaking with him for a long time....a very long time.

Saitama curses himself why he digs his own grave.

"Saitama?" Y/N ask which making Saitama comes back from reality. "You know what just forget it. I'm just joking around that's all."

Y/N feel embarrassing when remembering what he just says a few minutes ago. But he surely wants it.

Saitama, saw Y/N sad faces looking away from him. Saitama bites his lips feeling guilty.

"Maybe a small kiss it's ok." Saitama thought.

Saitama comes closer to Y/N and grabs his chin. Y/N's turn to look at Saitama who already breathes hardly. Y/N face red by suddenly kiss. It starts just two lips clash until Saitama pushes his tongue, tries opening y/n's lips. Y/N understand it and open his mouth slowly, Saitama saw the opportunity and immediately push his tongue.

That impact shocked Y/N but he starts melting from it. Y/N never let himself being controlled by anyone after what Kagami did when they're teenagers. What Kagami doing is just a lesson before they become adults, that what Kagami said. Y/N never say anything about it, his first kiss has been stolen by his half self but it's ok for him. 

Now he let himself be taken by someone who is overpowered than him. Y/N thought it became scary to do with a man but who knows it giving him pleasure that he never has from his experience with Tatsumaki.

"So, this is why Tatsumaki enjoy it when I doing this. I'm hardly what should I do?" Y/N speak in his mind. Y/N pulls his face but Saitama hugs him tightly not letting him go. It starts hard to breathe for Y/N.

Saitama no longer thinks straight. He wants more than just a kiss when he realizes Y/N almost passes out. "How long I hold it?" Think Saitama while parting his lips from Y/N. Their saliva connected, their breath almost can see each other.

Y/N was almost unconscious. His body becomes weak, his mind is out of nowhere and his body is too hot. He glads Saitama break the kiss. If longer than that he maybe cum from the kiss and that is humiliating.

"Sorry for that Y/N!" Saitama nervous and hug Y/N's weak body gently. Saitama knows he will get a bad time with Kagami if he saw Y/N condition.

The sound of the door opening snaps him back. His nightmare becomes true he needs to think fast.

"Y/N, hey wake up Kagami and Genos at homes." Saitama slaps Y/N's cheeks gently hoping he wakes up. Y/N is too weak to mad but he knows he needs to get up.

"Just gives me that damn water idiot bald." Y/N mad weakly. Saitama gives a glass of water he bought and gives it to Y/N.

"We back with a lot of letters!" Kagami speaks while Genos holds a large bag of the letter.

Kagami and Genos stare at Y/N and Saitama who awkwardly looking at each other. Kagami who you can say overprotective older brother always gets it immediately but this time he does not say anything and sit between Y/N and Saitama.

"Who knows heroes have so much fan?" Y/N break the awkward.

Genos throw all the letters on the table and giving to the respectful owner.

Saitama got nothing, Genos get a few but still many and the rest of it belongs to Kagami.

   "Wait why Kagami got a lot while I'm not and since when assassin gets fan!" Saitama is frustrated to seeing unfairness in his situations.

   "Well, firstly my poor fanless friend, I may be more charming and good looking rather than you. After all isn't it better to have someone who wants to becomes your boyfriend?"

Kagami's last sentence is scary. His tone changes drastically and stares sharply at Saitama who already sweating.

Kagami almost caught Saitama. He needs to change the topic or any kind of subject before Kagami beats him. Kagami not gonna do it. He will torture that person.

   "Rather than 'charming', you seduces them. This letter brand is from rich people from the high-rank CEO." Y/N speaks holding one of Kagami's letters.

   "You can say I searched for clients. I may be as lazy as a sloth but this sloth is well known by those people." Kagami holds his chest with pride.

   "Be careful with that attitude. It can bite you back."

   "Then can you help me if that happens?" Kagami comes closer to Y/N and hugs him. Squishy Y/N's cheeks with his. Y/N felt annoyed by it so he put Kagami's head to his lap and pat it.

In Genos view: "I wish I the one who pat him."

In Saitama's view: "I wish I the one who patted by him."

   "The reason why you don't get one is clear, Saitama. You came when that fish already beat 2 heroes and one of them is the high rank and died from one punch is too unbelievably. But you should happy there's is one letter belong to you."

Y/N give the letter to Saitama. He opens it to see a kindergarten writing that says thank you.

   "Even is from a child doesn't it good to be acknowledged by them." Y/N give him soft smile.

Saitama blush.

   "What? Want to pat?" Y/N shows his right arm to Saitama.

Saitama wants to go there but Kagami's scary eyes glare through his soul.

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